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i. Revna.

As they left the city behind and the countryside filtered in, biting wind circling the valley held in by the surrounding mountains, Revna breathed deep. It always amazed her how soon the bustle, noise and smell of cities disappeared upon leaving them. As if they had crossed an invisible barrier, giving way to the sights, sounds and essence of the wild.

She preferred it out here. Away from the stares and the mutterings. Here, she was 'Revna'. In the city, she was 'the Khajiit'. Apart from Tilly, who still seemed upset that Revna had saved her from a lynching, the others in the group treated her as they would any other. Even though she'd only known them for a short time, she felt welcome among them. She felt normal.

Tilly, of course, didn't seem to welcome anyone that she wasn't attracted to. Revna knew there was mutual attraction between Tilly and Itagaki, the bloom of lust that the binding allowed her to share was proof of that, but, apart from that, the empathic link shared nothing else of Tilly's feelings. If she had any at all. Still, Revna liked her.

It was Revna's choice to ride behind the others in order to keep an eye on the fledgling riding skills of Tilly. There had been fits and starts, but she seemed to be getting the hang of it quick enough. Being at the back also gave Revna a different perspective. Her eyes and ears tracking everything around them in a constant paranoia.

Outside the confines of the cities, Skyrim, indeed the whole of Tamriel, was a dangerous place. Wild creatures, hidden dangers and, worst of all, men and mer that took advantage of the ill habited areas to rob, kill or enslave unwary travellers. The wild truly was wild.

Revna felt the tip of her tail tingle, a sure fire sign of something amiss. Like a sixth sense.

Maintaining the illusion that she was only riding, she made more careful, unobtrusive observations around her and the rest of the group. It was at this point that Itagaki had slowed her horse down to join Revna at the rear of the group.

"We are being followed." She appeared relaxed, talking with a travelling companion, leaning forward to stroke the neck of her horse, while hiding a surreptitious loosening of the strange curved swords that she wore, tucked into the sash at her waist. "I did not think we would meet trouble so soon, my friend."

"Aye." Revna stretched and yawned. She was a relaxed traveller to anyone watching from a distance. "At least four. Probably more holding further back. Have a care with your voice, the wind carries far up here."

"If I remember the map correctly, there is a double bend in the path up beyond that copse of trees." Itagaki didn't have to point, but Revna looked, in passing, at the copse ahead. "We can make our move there. You hold fast here at the back and I will inform the others."

Itagaki hastened her horse forward again, with a lazy kick. It was true, Revna had not expected trouble so soon, either. Whoever was following them must have started in Riften, or just outside. It was strange for bandits to be so bold, so close to a city. They were either very confident, or very stupid, or they weren't bandits at all.

It was the last thought that concerned Revna the most. If they weren't bandits and if they were following the group, that meant that their mission was already compromised. But, by whom and for what purpose. To steal the Gems of Unison (now split apart and held, one each, by Revna, Itagaki and Öenthir. Tilly not caring whether she held one or not)? Or to stop them saving the life of the Jarl's daughter?

It was irrelevant for the moment. That they had an enemy was enough and Revna relished the thought of unleashing steel upon a foe. It had been too long since she had held a sword in battle and she almost salivated at the thought of it. Not that anyone could tell from looking at her.

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