Phobia [ Michael and Tofunmi]

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Penlord: Every day, I wake up to see the same me, nothing is changing and I realize it's because I'm scared...
I'm scared of the future, scared of what's coming...
I need help, am I future phobic?

Tofunmi: Sometimes, I sleep on the thoughts of the past,
Scared of how it's shaping my present.
And I wonder if my future would have a blast...

Penlord: I'm afraid of what I'll become, what I'm becoming...
I don't want to be mediocre but still, I'm afraid of failing.
Life is just so tiring and I'm scared out here

Tofunmi: Tired of the ever-changing status quo,
I fret about the increasing social demands on morals

Questions of should I, can I, would I, flashing through my mind

I'm scared of being wrong in a world not so kind

Penlord: My fears are drowning my potentials
Phobia is silencing what I can do
But, I am grateful for life, and no matter how hard it becomes...
I'll fight it and pull through...

Tofunmi: Yes I'm breaking through barriers,
Stomping my feet in a constant rhythm to the beat of "I will not falter"

Daring all odds to breathe underwater...

Penlord: Breath underwater?
Yes, I'll make a world out of the pieces I have
I will live the best out of the ashes.
I am Phoenix!

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