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Often times when we wake up we let our minds create for us the illusion of bad health, failure, and ill-fate which in turn, we respond to by worry which escalates into anxiety, and then we'd have a bad day...

That is how we give our day bad energy...
That is how our lives go spiraling down into the ditch just because we can't control where we direct the energy of our minds...
Our mind gives us an impression, it is our responsibility to chose to go with that impression or create the impression that you want.

Life, at most times, favors those who know how to control the power of their minds because they are always in the best state to tackle the challenge of the day!

Your mind is a studio where you think out into being, your day...
A place where you mold every action and reaction that you make during the day...
Your mind is backstage for your actions...

So whatever you do is based on the information in your mind!

So you will do well enough to fill yourself with the most amazing information that will help you live happy at all times!
No bad energy, no wrong words, no what if I can't, no worry, no doubt...
You can always tell yourself " I'm the best, no one can beat me"
I can do it, I am strong, my emotions don't control me, I control it.
I am the creator of my Reality!

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