Penlord: When I was younger my mother told me courage is to stand your ground and do what makes you happy...
My father told me the stories of valiant men who had done things unspeakable and became warriors in our land.Jessica: Indeed, I grew to recite the words
My father said that day.
"Great men are courageous son,
You are a great man." But am I really?
Quavering over the news that the demons who took papa had arisen.Penlord: Though papa had told me to be courageous, I can't seem to find my strength...
Mama has shown me to be strong for myself and family...
But I can't seem to be, Will I ever be?Jessica: Now more than ever
When all eyes are on me
When I must stand with my head held high
Oh! valor,
Where art thou when I needest thee most.
I thought we were friends,
That you have taught me how together we will master the art-strength.
But now, you sing no song of inspiring vigor in my earsPenlord: Strength now you must strengthen my arms...
Now Courage you must wrap around my heart...
I am most in need of you!
Because today I am stepping into the darkness
I am going into the wilderness to be the best.
You must be my girdle!
Please don't fail me...Jessica: And if you do fail me
Another solution always lies nearby
For in as much as Father's words in my ears did ring always
Mothers words also have I never forgotten
Do what makes you happy, stand your ground for it too
Yes, you'll know that what makes me happy
Is to show Father's demons
That I'm scared
I'm scared but I won't let my fear be my undoing
I will go on my way pretending to know not of its existence
Yes, this will be my new courage.
To smile and live even if the past knocks hard every day.Penlord: Yes, I'll live in ignorance...
Hahaha, Ignorance of fear...
I'm scared but I'll laugh at my fears
I'll laugh at the past that has imprisoned me...
I'll find happiness in my fears and live to be the best...
For mother also said to me one night,
"Even when you fall, you are always my champion"
Sonic power
PoetryCollection of poems, thoughts and writings of a dangerous mind...