Drunk Ezekiel

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The next day, nothing special really happened. It was more introductions and getting to know teachers and each other. Some teachers also presented to us the learning guidelines beforehand so that we will know what to expect on their subjects.

On Wednesday, as for 5quad, we found a new spot to hang out in school. It's found across the butterfly sanctuary. As expected, it was Ynna who suggested this place for us. This is perfect because it's near the field, the canteen and our classroom. Also, only a few students pass on this area so it's really peaceful here.

"Tell me more about that famous campus king." Rona asked Ynna.

Among us 5, only Rona and I are the new students here. Chris and Danica were here since Junior High and Ynna since Pre-elem.

Last night, our group chat was so active. It is actually ironic how Danica, who rarely speaks, is actually very talkative in the group chat. Ynna was again talking about this campus king and of course, the boy-crazy Rona jumped in.

"I told you everything I know about him last night!" Ynna exclaimed.

"Are you sure he's that handsome?" Rona asked. I tried to stalk his social media accounts last night but it was all private."

"He is." Danica responded.

"Agreed! But his too perfect for me. I don't like perfect guys." Ynna added.

"Whoa, you're hurting my ego guys! Don't you think I'm handaome, too?" Chris pretended like he was hurt.

"But why haven't I seen him in the campus before though?" Ronald asks, completely ignoring Chris. He's really into this campus king and has been talking about him all night.

"He doesn't care about school. He rarely even comes, but it's not a surprise he was able to graduate. I mean, his parents are board members here." Ynna explained.

"We'll that's just unfair!" I complained.

"Life is unfair." Danica said.

"But his best friend on the other hand is a total opposite. He's active in school and is also very popular amog the ladies. You know Joshua right? Our classmate?" Ynna asked.

"Of course! He's so handsome how can I forget that face!" Rona exclaimed, obviously he has a crush in him as well.

"I thought you said you liked Louis?" Ynna asked.

"Well, the more crush, the more chances of winning." we all laughed at him. Good Lord, please help him.

"What about Joshua though?" I asked, curious. "If I'm not mistaken, he is also sitting on the front row near the aisle, right?"

"Yep. He's beside me but on the other side." Ynna answered.

"Why? What about him?" Ronald asked, really curios now.

"Well, he's the bestfriend."

Ohhh, I have to admit, Joshua is really cute, but I'm not telling them that. I caught a few glances of him in the classroom and that was it.

They continued talking until we had to go back to our classroom and meet the other teachers who we haven't met yet.

During the last period, while waiting for our last teacher of the day, I caught a glance at Joshua and he was surrounded with girls. He doesn't seem annoyed though, but I also can't tell whether he is liking the attention or not.


"How was your day, sweetie?" Mom asked as soon as I arrived home around 6pm.

"It was okay, Mom. We met with teachers and I spent time wih my friends."

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