𝟬𝟬𝟲 divine timing

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divine timing

     NOVA VAN KIRK could see stars

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     NOVA VAN KIRK could see stars.

     The metaphorical kind, that is. You know, the kind you see when you fill your body with so much chemicals that you see things that aren't actually there. Well, that was definitely the case for Nova. Due to the unhealthy amount of drugs and alcohol tainting her body right now, toxins rushing through her bloodstream and pulsating sharply through her veins, Nova was barely able to walk in a straight line, let alone see clearly in the middle of the hot summer night, the girl barely being able to see through the thick blanket of darkness surrounding her.

     She knew it was bad for her, but she didn't want to stop. Well, truth is, she didn't really have much choice since the bottle in her hand was almost empty, nothing more than a dribble of champagne swirling around the bottom of the glass bottle clasped tightly in her trembling hand. Nova wanted to make it last, the girl knowing that once it was all gone, she had one or two options.

     One, she could return back to the party and grab another bottle. Except, Nova actually had no idea where she was. All she knew was that she was walking along the road next to the beach. She had just lost track of where she was a long time ago.

     Or two, she could go back to her empty house and suffer in silence whilst she wallows in endless pain and misery until she falls asleep. Nova didn't want to do that either.

So, the girl was stuck stumbling across the empty street, her entire world spinning on an endless loop whilst she tried her best to see past her dark and blurry gaze, the girl being stuck in the midst of a drug haze that she was scared to escape from. Nova knew the long lasting effects of sobriety, and how she could feel once this night was over. She had faced it head on one too many times before, and after tonight, she didn't want to return to a world filled with grey, the girl preferring the endless colour the toxins poisoning her body gave her.

     And, so, Nova continued to see the stars that twinkled in the corners of her blurry gaze.

     Nova then stumbled forward once again, a quiet and obnoxious giggle escaping past her lips, whilst she brought the rim of the bottle to her lips again, chugging back what remained at the bottom of the glass bottle. Nova began to savour the bittersweet taste that lingered on the tip of her tongue, her tastebuds tingling from the familiar sickly taste of the liquor she was pouring into her bloodstream without a single care in the world.

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