The Truth Hurts Part 24

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If people really want proof god exists. the simple fact that am a live should do.
i have been near death more times than anyone else that has ever lived most likely. My day in and day out life right now i should be in a permanent coma at best and i still function like a fairly avg human.
Even my doctors the very few times i see them have told me they don't know how am not dead that's a quote. from 3 different doc's at 3 different times of my life lol. How many bombs/fires i have made and been around. how many to the death fights i have been in and lost and somehow not bleed out. How many knifes i played with in un safe ways. how man rivers and waterfalls i have been on near and over without knowing how to swim. More or less still. I have stayed awake for 9 days i have gone 4 without food and water at the same time. a healthy person can't do that with strong will power. I have done some pretty crazy things normal life wise and supernaturally with god and away from god. And most very intelligent people disbelief in god or god's or well anything they haven't 1st hand figured out. I've always been smarter than I've let on still to this day. And from god outside of nice food cuz am selfish like that the only thing i asked for myself at least that is, is wisdom. So to you nay say'ers be my guest disagree with god go against god fight god tooth and nail see how that works for you. but to say their is no god their is no devil no hell no heaven. in all my years in all my experience i have heard nothing more foolish. And i play online video games, went to a public school for 12 years listen to the new for a few of them and even sometimes listen to my own thoughts. So trust me i have heard many a foolish thing. So my friends turn your head if you so choose Take the harder longer path. or just dive straight to hell if that's your real will. But never turn a blind eye to existence

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