Part Six: Morning After

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The sun is so bright its blinding, I do my best to cover my eyes and adjust them to my surrounding, speaking of surrounding where the fuck am I. Slowly I sit up and felt kind of strange, I look down and see my naked body What the Fuck?!?! i look next to me and I see someone under the covers but who is it? slowly I pull off the covers from the person next to me and I see Adore; my once frantic mind calms down but starts up again when I realize that Adore is also naked. " no, no , no what the fuck happen last night" I whispered, a annoyed grunt comes out of Adore I watch her in suspense waiting to see what will happen the moment she opens her eyes.

"hey Elena" she says softly, I remain silent and in shock. Adore sits up and looks around the room a bit confused and looks back at me " what happen?" she asks " I..I don't know but um" I stammer, Adore looks even more confused " girl why are you naked?" she wonders, " I could say the same" I worriedly reply, I watch as Adore looks down into the blanket and pats her wig " oh.." she casually says, I hold my breath cause I know she is gonna connect 2 and 2 together " OH" she shouts and looks at me " did we?" she says with fear in her voice " I...I don't know, all I remember is talking with you and passing out".

we both try to not panic but its hard not to because we can' t remember what happen. The only thing I can do right now is put on my clothes and try to piece together what the hell happen last night. I turn to face Adore and watch her put on her last bit of clothing " Adore" I call out, she turns to face me " what do we do?" I ask " well...for all we know we took off our clothes and went to bed." she frantically says; I do my best to keep myself calm " but what if we didn't" I added Adore grunts in frustration " oh fuck, I really do hope we didn't" she begins to pace back and forth " I'm gonna be sick" she said while looking at me, and I remembered something not a memory but a feeling, heart break, " what do you mean by that?" I asked Adore looks at me with a face of disgust " I'm gay! and what you have doesn't please me" she said with slight anger. For the second time in less than 24 hours I watch as Adore...Danny breaks my heart " wow...Thanks for that" I pick up my shoes and walk towards the door " Elena wait, I didn't mean it like that" shouts Adore, I turn to face her " you might be beautiful but that was a very ugly thing to say" I turn and walked out the door.

I ran out of Alaska's house trying to hold back the tears but it was impossible, by the time I reach the drive way i was a sobbing mess. I didn't know how to get back to my house and didn't have enough money to call an Uber so I walked down the street in hopes of finding a way home. My heart is shattered, my head is pounding and my memory is a blacked out mess; If only I had someone to tell me what happen last night.


I turn towards the approaching car and see a some what familiar face " Bianca?" i ask " yes but you can call me Roy, do you need a ride?" he ask, I nod and climb into his car. " What happen last night?" i asked Roy, " well I don't know what happen before I found you but when I did you where drinking who know what and started to pass out so I called for some help.." I cut him off " Mohawk...Nina isn't it ? he continues to talk " yes, she help me get your drunk ass into the same bedroom that a very drunk Adore was in, after we left you with Adore I don't know what happen" he finishes. I sit back on the car seat and try to compose the little memory I have " I can't remember what happen after you left" I quietly said as the tears roll down my checks, Roy looks over at me and back at the road " That happens, its fine" he reassures " no...Its not" i chock out, Roy looks at me ones again " how come?" he asks " because, when I woke up my clothes and Adores clothes were off and...and I don't know if we did something" I sobbed, we reached a red light and Roy turns to me " oh Elena, I'm sorry to hear that, I wish there was something I could do but I wasn't there when it happen or didn't happen" I cried even harder hearing him say that. Roy took me home and I went to my room and cried myself to sleep.

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