"This can't be happening this really can't be happening" I whisper to myself over and over again.
I walk out of the bathroom trying to be as calm as possible, Adore sees me and walks up to me "hey girl are you okay?" She ask, I try to not look like a deer caught in the headlights but I can't tell I'm failing miserably " y-yea I'm fine" I say, "are you sure? You look a bit pale, well more than usual" said Adore with a concern voice " I'm just a bit hot that's all" I try to cover up."Here have some water and sit over here" Adore grabs my hand and leads me to a couch, we sit for a bit and she passes me some water. " how are you feeling?" She questions, I keep thinking well Adore I just found out I'm pregnant and the fucked up part of it all it's yours so yeah; but I don't say that to her.
Adore finish up her photoshoot, changes back to Danny and we head home. On the car ride home I kept thinking about what I found out in the bathroom and I don't know how I'm gonna break it down to Danny.
* Danny's House*
After a long day we sit on the couch and watch some Netflix, in a long deep silence Danny says " I think I know what's wrong with you" I stiffen you and look at him " y-you do?" I ask nervously, he pauses the move and focuses on me " yes, it has to do with your little friend that visits every month" he says in a silly voice, I let go of a breath I was holding onto " something like that" I confirm, Danny smacks his hands together "I knew it, I might be gay but I can tell these things" he turns back to the tv and continues watching Netflix. I really don't know how to tell him and I know I have too but I'm really scared, I wish I had someone to talk to about this.
I open my eyes and see I'm slightly laying on the couch I must have fallen asleep I say to myself, I look around but I don't see Danny; I leave the living room and head towards the bedroom and see a light on, I make my way to the room and push the door open "Danny?" I call out, what I saw next left me speechless.
"What is this?" Asked Danny, I look at him with shock he is sitting on the bed holding the empty pregnancy test box over my Walgreens bag "well.. Umm" I stammer " tell me Elena" said Danny with a firm tone oh fuck, oh shit he is getting mad, I keep my distance just Incase I need to make a run for the door, which is ridiculous cause Danny is not violent.
"My period is late, so I took a test" I announced to him, "and?" He says flat out, "well..I.." I couldn't even finish the sentence I started crying and Danny calmed down, he drops the box on the bed and walks towards me and hugs me " I'm sorry Elena, I'm so sorry" I cry into his chest but he still has no clue.
"Danny" I called out and he broke the hug, I looked at him in the eyes and told him the truth, " Danny, this baby is a result of that night we have no memory of. " he stands there in shock trying to process what I just had told me " what what?" He finally says " but we don't know what happen that night", I looked at him puzzled " and you think we just took of our clothes and slept naked? Danny I'm not dating anyone so who else's would it be?" I said slightly aggravated, he passes back and forward not knowing what to say next but I already know what to do.
" I'm in no place of being a parent and we didn't chose this so I'm just gonna.." I got cut off by Danny
" you are not getting rid of my baby" I looked at him shocked, " Elena this might be the only chance I'll ever get at being a dad and I don't want to give it up", he looks me in the eyes " we're gonna take care of our little baby" and smile, I cried some more and hugged him.
My life changed but it wasn't the change I was hoping for. I'm having a baby with my best friend and I don't know how to feel about it, I'm still trying to push the feeling I already have towards him; a part of me wants to let these feelings take over but it would only hurt me and I can't just let that happen.
I'm not ready for this but I don't have a choice.
I Elena am having Danny's baby and I'm in love with him.

I'm in Love with a Drag Queen (Adore Delano)
FanfictionNOTE* My story is a work of fiction!!! I know that in real life Danny is bi but in my story he is not so please don't get mad or take it personal I know HE IS NOT GAY! It's only FICTION!!! Thank you * I met Danny when we where in high school and I...