Chapter Thirty- Two

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Made a little mistake in the last chapter pertaining to the names of those who were involved in that whole scenario. Ya girl had forgotten it was Lucy and Jason who were doing the shooting and not Sadiyah and Jason.... my bad 💀


"C'mon Mr Noon," Erin dragged, pacing slowly with a limp in front of the older man who had been drooling onto himself for the past quarter of an hour. Everyone within the room stood or sat, gazing at him either repulsed or completely hateful but there was Leia, absolutely perturbed by the man's awful condition.

There were gaping holes in his hands and legs that bled profusely. His flesh and bones were torn open and hanging loose for their eyes to see. She felt pity settle deep within her gut but didn't say anything because she felt like she didn't have the place to do that. Erin and the others would be quick to make her reminisce on how he had them kidnapped with the intentions to kill them or how he knew of the things his son did but covered up everything for his sake— making it seem like he had no clue of what was happening.

"I've already given you the addresses to where I have the money locked away," he slurred, casting worried glances between all of their steely faces. He was pleading with them to possibly save his life, but of course, no one gave a fuck and with every growing second he felt his inevitable demise getting nearer.

"Please just take me to the hospital," he says for the millionth time since being surrounded by the individuals.

"But what about the offshore bank accounts, what about those?" Erin questions moving closer to Esaw and he flinched.

"I'm telling you, there is none. I only have a few million dollars and I keep most of it in safes at different locations,"

"We already have guys at these locations," Erin gets closer to him and he sinks lower into the chair. He cowered before her, the way a child who had been found guilty of misbehaving would face their mother. His wrinkled face was riddled with giant beads of sweat that trickled down the sides of his face and also lodged between the creases in his forehead.
Looking down into his face made Erin feel nothing but hatred.

"Don't make this any bit harder for yourself Mr Noon, just give us the money and you see that girl over there?" She points at Lucy, who stood off with her arms crossed observing the situation with profound interest. When Erin made her the centre of attention she smirked, her black lips curling provocatively.

"That girl over there will be the one to take you to the hospital, but you just have to be cooperative. Where's the rest of it?"

She lied. Lucy wasn't going to do shit.
There was nothing but silence that ate up the atmosphere between them. Erin waited, just like everyone else for the man to give in. The guy Lucy had brought with her, Alvin had started flicking a lighter between his fingers and the sound of metal clinking could be heard faintly.

The girl had eventually made eye contact with Leia and she was the only person there besides the governor who was terrified. Erin saw the way she silently pleaded for them to leave but she couldn't just leave. They needed some amount of reparation for what they went through. Sure money couldn't erase the trauma nor the bad memories but its tangible worth could bring possible comfort to Leia, Erin thought. Comfort was always better in this case.

"I will give you the rest," Esaw says eventually, sniffing his running nose. Those were the magic words Erin wanted to hear, it made her smile grow wide.

"Took you long enough," Sadiyah retorts, sighing and also started pacing the room. After hearing the man say those words, Jason and Wayne stepped forward and had surrounded him along with Erin.

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