Realizing Love

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I was lounging around the junkyard when Optimus returned from his scouting mission, which was strange because that was my job. However, when I saw him, I couldn't help but linger at his frame and how attractive he looked.

Yet, when he glanced my way, I not only glancing away, but also took off to the other end of the junkyard. I was there for about an hour before Optimus actually came over to me.

"Why'd you run off on me like that?" He asked, sitting next to me while I pulled my legs closer while hugging my knees. I replied with my usual beels and chirps.

"No reason!"

"Are you sure, because you freaked out when I looked over at you!" He said, hand on my shoulder.

"I'm fine Optimus!" I lied.

"Well, just know that you can come to me with anything!" He said, getting back up. As he walked away, I could help myself as I watched his aft.

'Damn he fine!' I thought before mentally kicking myself for that though. He maybe fine, but he's a Prime while I'm just a meager scout, so it would never happen. Though I wasn't sure what this feeling was though and I couldn't talk to anyone about this because the only one I could talk to about this was who I was having these feelings about.


It was finally night fall before I got up from my spot in the junkyard and decided to go for a drive. I was in the small, abandoned town maybe 5 minutes from the junkyard when I decided to stop and think.

After I thought about it for almost two hours, I finally realized what this feeling was, LOVE.

'What am I supposed to do about this? He's a Prime while I'm not and he's an amazing leader while everyone else thinks I'm just pathetic!' I thought, dropping to my knees. When I heard another car coming into the town, I hid inside a building.

I heard the car transform, indicating that they were a Cybertronian, but Autobot or Decepticon. I tried to escape when they approached the building I was hiding in, but I was approached by a friendly faceplate when Optimus entered the building.

"What are you doing here Optimus?" I asked him while he sat next to me against the back wall.

"I saw you leaving the junkyard and decided to join you because you were acting strange around me for weeks and I had to know!" He said.

"I'm fine Optimus!" I lied again, my spark racing like crazy being so close to him.

"Bumblebee! Tell me the truth!" He ordered, raising an brow ridge and knew I was lying.

"I swear I'm fine!" I lied again.

"Bumblebee! I've known you for a couple centuries! You can't lie to me!" He said.

"Your right!" I said. He looked at me expectantly and I just went for it without even thinking. I just planted a kiss on his lips, expecting him to pushing me off, but he pulled me onto his lap and returned my kiss.

"Took you long enough Bee!" He said, smiling.

"Wait! You knew that I was in love with you this whole time? Why didn't you say anything about this?" I asked.

"Because it would be better to have you tell me yourself instead of embarrassing you by confronting you!" He said, his hands resting hands on my hips and thighs.

"I'm sorry that you had to wait for me to tell you! I wasn't even sure about it myself until just before you pulled up!" I admitted, feeling embarrassed and my face heated up.

"It's ok Bee! At least you now know about your feelings and our love for each other!" He said.

"Wait! Our love?" I asked.

"Yes! I've been in love with you for a while now, but I needed to have you reciprocate those feelings just to be safe!" He said. I just beeped and chirped in pure happiness, earning a smile from him. He initiated the kiss this time and soon, he had me on my back on the floor.

'Is this really happening?' I thought when I started leaking lubricant and opened my port without consciously doing so. Optimus chuckled as he slid his port open, revealing his huge spike.

"You ready my little Lovebug?" He asked. I nodded, my sexual arousal increasing and my getting wetter. He inserted his cable into my port and I winced in pain. When the pain subsided, I nodded and he started pumping his hips.

"Oh hell yes Optimus! Yes! Right there!" I cried out when he hit my sweet spot inside my port. I heard him smirk inside my auditory receptor while he sped up. Before I knew what I was doing, my Spark chamber opened, trying to get to Optimus' spark. He willing obliged, opening up his chamber, allowing our Sparks to merge. I soon overloaded from the sensation and he followed right after.

Love Of A Prime (Cybertronian Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now