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Six months later...

I was bolted awake from a pain erupting throughout my abdomen. I also felt something gush from between my legs.

"Optimus! Wake up!" I said, shaking him.

"What's the matter Honey Bee?" He asked, sitting up.

"My oil just broke!" I growled out between contraction pains. I saw him bolt from the berth, completely awake now.

"I'll be right back with Knockout!" He said, kissing me before taking off. I leaned forward, grabbing my abdomen in the pain and wincing.

"I hear that you're oil broke!" Knockout said, climbing onto the berth between my bent legs. I nodded, in to much pain to answer with my beeping.

"Hey guys!" Kup said, walking into our makeshift hanger/house, carrying Ruby.

"You could have stayed and recharged if you wanted!" Optimus told him, taking the Sparkling because she reached out for him.

"I know, but I was already up Ruby, and if she's awake, she gets agitated when Knockout's not in her view!" Kup replied. As if on queue, she started whimpering from not seeing Knockout because of the way Optimus was standing.

"Ok Bee, push!" Knockout said as Optimus sat down on his side of the berth and sat Ruby on his lap so she could see Knockout. I pushed and felt my port start widening for the Sparkling.

After a few more pushes, their helm became visible. The pain increased as they inched closer and closer to my port. I was still leaning forward, but I was leaning all my weight on my arms as I pushed.

"How you holding up?" Knockout asked.

"Exhausted!" I said, panting from the pain and pushing. He just smiled and picked up a blanket as I pushed again.

This time, their head and shoulders slid out, allowing Knockout to carefully pull them out the rest of the way.

Knockout wrapped the Sparkling up, cleared their vents, then handed them to me since Optimus still had Ruby in his lap.

"Congratulations guys! You are now the proud parents of a very beautiful femme bot!" Knockout said.

"She's perfect!" I said, looking over her red, yellow, blue, and black frame.

"Yeah, she is!" Optimus agreed, leaning against me.

"What's her name?" Kup asked.

"I was thinking Starlight!" I said.

"It's perfect!" Optimus chimed in.

Love Of A Prime (Cybertronian Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now