The Spark Bond

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I woke up still inside the building that Optimus and I first kissed and Interfaced. I looked over and found that Optimus was still in recharge, and his arms were around me. I snuggled back into his chest and tried to get some more recharging in.

I also felt really good, warm pulses in my spark. It made me feel incredible inside and apparently it was enough to stir Optimus from his sleep.

"You ok Bee?" He asked, nuzzling the top of my head.

"I'm ok!" I said, nuzzling into his chest.

"Good, because we should probably get back to the junkyard before we're found missing and the search party comes looking for us!" He said, getting up.

"Awww! I was enjoying the cuddly us time!" I whined.

"Don't worry! I'll always be with you!" He said as a strong, cuddly feeling enveloped my Spark. In response, I couldn't control my need to giggle uncontrollably.

"Is that you? I've never felt like this before!" I said when I was finally in control of myself again.

"Yes it is! We've become Sparkmates ever since our Sparks merged last night! Our feelings and emotions are sent over our bond, especially whenever one of us is in danger and the other would just react even if we don't want too!" He said, his hands on my shoulders.

"It's good to know that deep inside my spark, you'll be there!" I said, hugging him.

"I am too!" He said, hugging me in return.

"I love you Optimus!" I thought, and apparently it went through our bond because I got loving pulses in return. I smiled up at him and we started kissing.

"Optimus! Where are you? We don't know what happened but Bumblebee's gone!" Hound said over the our radio frequency. I started panicking.

"It's going to be ok!" Optimus sent through our bond, as well as calming, reassuring pulses.

"Are you sure?" I asked. He nodded, answering the radio.

"I know! I got up early, noticed that he was gone, so I came looking for him!" He replied, smiling and winking at me.

"So, where'd you find him?" Hound asked.

"He apparently snuck out for a drive and I found him in the town not far from the junkyard!" He said, holding me close to him with one arm while radioing Hound with the other.

"Damn! He sure is rebellious, isn't he!" Hound said, chuckling.

"Yeah he is!" Optimus said, smiling.

"Probably part of the reason that you fell for him, huh?" Hound said, smirking.

"Hound!" Optimus said.

"Oh please! I didn't call him! We're fine!" Hound said, "not to mention that he's to young for a relationship too!"

"Can I? I want to tell him that we're together and rub it in his face!" I asked. Optimus smiled again and nodded.

"You think I'm to young huh?" I said over the radio.

"You can hear me? And in relation to the other thing, what the hell?" Hound exclaimed.

"Yes I did hear you, and I was just going to tell you, with Optimus' approval of course, that we're Sparkmates now!" I said.

"Alright! In all fairness, you are young, but at least you managed to frag the last living Prime, though in our time, the only Prime we've only had, and not anyone could snag a Prime since they were held in the same light as gods!" He said.

"Enough of this!" I beeped, ending radio contact.

"Bye!" Optimus said, ending things on his end as well.

"Since they know about us now, since Hound won't be able to keep his mouth shut, can we stay here a little while longer?" I asked, my horniness going across our bond.

"I don't see why not!" He smirked, returning the horny feelings.

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