Chapter 6

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I own nothing...

So Caroline is 18 and almost done with her Senior Year of high school, just a note.


"Is she better?" Elena asked as soon as Bonnie appeared.

"Well she is asleep." Bonnie said softly and the two girls went into the living room. Bonnie threw the paper bag Caroline had been hyperventilating in into the trash. They had finally got her to calm down when they said that it could be bad for the baby.

"Do you think he will hurt her?" Elena said.

"No, that was just Caroline freaking out," Bonnie said, "The worst thing Klaus would do is leave her. I don't think he would kill her."

"Well if he does leave we will be there for her," Elena said, "Help raise the baby I mean."

"Yeah," Bonnie agreed. "But we need to convince her to go to the doctor. Make sure everything is okay."


Caroline had caved and made an appointment in Richmond for the next afternoon. Caroline was not looking forward to telling Klaus that she was blowing him off again.

"You look better," Klaus said the next morning opening up the door for her.

"I am feeling a little better," Caroline said even though she threw up again this morning. "I just have a stomach thing." Yeah a baby was growing in it. "So I probably can't come over tonight." Klaus sighed.

"All right," Klaus said not liking it at all. As they drove Caroline took his hand, something she had never done before. Klaus kept his eyes on the road, but he gave her hand a little squeeze. Caroline kissed his cheek like she always did and got out of the car. Caroline watched as he drove away the whole time thinking what if he drives away and never comes back?


"Caroline Forbes?" A nurse called out and Caroline looked at Bonnie panicked.

"We will be right here," Bonnie said and took her hand while Elena took the other.

"So you think you might be pregnant?" The doctor said and Caroline nodded.

"I took 25 pregnancy tests and they all came back positive," Caroline told the doctor who raised her eyebrows.

"25?" She said surprised.

"I wanted to be sure," Caroline said blushing.

"Well then lets just check, and this might be cold." The doctor said and Caroline lifted up her shirt. "Now you said you are less then two months but I should be able to...oh yes there it is." Caroline looked at the monitor and saw something that looked like a Lima bean

"That is my baby?" Caroline pointed to the screen. "That dot there?"

"Yes, that is your baby," The doctor confirmed. Caroline looked at her friends.

"What am I supposed to do now?" Caroline asked them.

"You need to tell him." Elena answered and moved a piece of hair out of Caroline's face.

"Well how am I going to explain this one?" Caroline said.


"So I'm pregnant..." Caroline said and then shook her head. "Ya know when I was in the past am that's awful..." Caroline looked at her friends who were sitting on the couch in front of her while she paced. "I can't do this. I can't do this."

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