Chapter 15: Mom Group

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I own nothing...

"Do you really enjoy anything?" Caroline asked Klaus one night,"It is always one thing or another with you. I mean you broke the curse, but then when on a quest to create more of yourself. Don't you ever just take a moment and live in the now?"

"No," Klaus replied, "I had been running from my father and trying to break a curse for 1000 years. I didn't have the luxury of "living in the now" Caroline."

"Maybe you should start," Caroline said.


"He is growing so fast," Caroline said to Bonnie and Elena as they made their way through the clothing store. A very expensive exclusive clothing store. Klaus wanted Henry to have the best of everything, even if he would outgrow it in a month. Caroline had Henry on her hip as they walked around. "Aren't you my little wolf?" Henry giggled and Caroline kissed his head.

"He is adorable," A voice behind Caroline said. She turned around and saw a women with a stroller next to her. The baby in it was sleeping peacefully. Caroline had seen the women around here before but never talked to her.

"Thank you," Caroline said smiling.

"What is his name?" She asked.

"Henry," Caroline answered. "What about yours?"

"Sophie," She said, "She is eight months."

"Henry here is going to celebrate his first in a couple weeks," Caroline said proudly. "I'm Caroline."

"I'm Kate," Kate said, "A few of my friends and I get together with our kids on Sundays, I don't know if you are interested but it is always great to meet new people and have our kids interact."

"That sounds great, but let me get back to you," Caroline said and Kate gave Caroline her number.


"Henry can't go when he keeps making things levitate and turning on lights when he doesn't want to go to sleep," Caroline said to Klaus later, "Who knows what else he might do? Only this time it will be in front of people."

"Just compel them," Klaus said shrugging.

"I don't want to stop and compel them every time Henry does something magical," Caroline said, "I won't even be able to sit down."

"It would be good for Henry to interact with other people rather then vampires, witches, and doppelgangers." Klaus pointed out. "Eventually he will have to be around humans other then his family. We should start exposing him now."

"Your right," Caroline said loving how much of a Dad he sounded, "I'll call her. It is just a play date. I am sure everything will be fine." Klaus snorted and Caroline narrowed her eyes at him. Henry could behave for one afternoon, right?


"Hello Caroline!" Kate said warmly. "I am so glad you decided to come. Come on in."

"Thanks for having us," Caroline said letting out the breath she had been holding. It would have been very awkward if Caroline was stuck in front of the doorway because she hadn't been invited in. She smiled brightly at Kate and walking into the house. There were about five other women there all with babies, Caroline was the youngest of them.

"Everyone this is Caroline," Kate introduced. Caroline was greeted by a chorus of "hellos" and smiles.

"Hi," Caroline said and then sat down in the chair Kate directed her to. Caroline put Henry down on the floor so he could interact with the other toddlers and babies. Please don't use magic Caroline mentally pleaded to her son.

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