Chapter 30

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I own nothing

The tension was thick. Henry sat at the table eating dinner while his parents just poked at their food. They talked to Henry, but not to each other. Henry didn't know what made them so mad, but he knew that his Dad totally slept in the guest room last night.

"Can I be excused?" Henry asked.

"Sure, baby," Caroline said smiling at him. Henry smiled back and then got the hell out of there. Caroline and Klaus finally looked at each other until they to got up and went in different directions.

"Yeah, I have never seen them like this," Henry said into the phone. "They are pissed."

"That is how my parents were before my Dad left," Ben said from his end.

"Oh, well I don't need to worry about that," Henry said laying down on his bed.

"Why not? It happens a lot," Ben asked.

"Because my Dad would never leave me." Henry answered. He knew that for sure. Somethings about Dad were still a mystery, but Henry knew that his Dad would never leave him.


"Rebekah we can't kidnap him." Matt argued.

"Oh yes we can, Henry is not in a good environment," Rebekah said, "Nik and Caroline aren't even talking."

"Can you blame her?" Matt said, "Sounds like he is up to his old habits."

"He is just curious!" Rebekah said defending her brother. "No, no we can not get caught up in this. The fight doesn't need to spread anymore."

"I love Henry, and if he wants to stay here he can," Matt said and Rebekah smiled before kissing him on the cheek.

Henry smiled when she saw his aunt waiting for him. He had got a note from the office saying that his aunt was here to take him to his doctors appointment. Which he found odd, but when he saw Aunt Rebekah he knew she came to play hooky.

"Hey Aunt Becks," Henry said and hugged her.

"How are you?" Rebekah asked and Henry shrugged.

"Alright, I mean Mum and Dad aren't talking, but other then that everything is good," Henry replied.

"How would you like to come stay with Matt and I for a couple days? Just till your parents work out their stuff?" Rebekah said.

It wasn't a bad idea. Both his parents were using him as a buffer to not talk to each other, without him there they will have no choice but to interact. Ha. Getting his parents together in the past was hard enough, Henry didn't want to go through that again. It was exhausting.

"Sounds good," Henry said and Rebekah smiled and put her arm around him. "But Mum and Dad aren't going to take it well."


"Where are the daggers!" Caroline cried out. "Nik where are they because I am going to stick one it your sister's heart!"

"Love, you do remember that if you dagger an Original you will die as well?" Klaus said.

"Fine then you do it," Caroline said.

"No problem, but first tell me why you want to dagger my sister?" Klaus asked.

"She said that Henry is going to stay with her for the time being, and she got him out early from school." Caroline told him.

"She what!" Klaus said getting angry too.

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