Chapter 6

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Ahsoka woke up the next morning to find that Lux was not beside her. She frowned, and bit disappointed, and looked at the alarm clock by her bed, to see it was already 11:30.

"Kriff, I slept late. No wonder Lux is gone."

Ahsoka got up from the bed and got dressed in her clothes. She then made her way to the kitchen for some... breakfast? She wasn't sure what it would be at this point, but she knew she needed something to eat. As soon as she entered the kitchen, she made a beeline for the fridge.

Upon opening the fridge, Ahsoka saw a plate and a note. She took both out, and immediately realized what was on the plate, it was her peoples' favorite food–Thimiars. She smiled from ear to ear, Lux knew how much she loved Thimiars. She put them in the microwave and sat down to read the note.

Hey Soka, 

Sorry I didn't say goodbye before I left, but you looked so peaceful and I didn't want to disturb you after what happened last night. There's some Thimiars in the fridge that I cooked before leaving, all you'll have to do is reheat them. I left some money on the counter incase you wanted to go out and do something today. I'll see you when I get home.


Ahsoka smiled, he was too kind to her. What did I do to deserve someone like him, she woundered. She was then brought back from her thoughts by the beeping of the microwave. She got up and took the Thimiars out and began to eat.

After she had finished eating, she walked over to the couch and plopped down onto it. What am I going to do today? Then suddenly she saw it flash before her eyes again, her dream, Anakin's death, the masked, mechanical figure. She knew what she was going to be doing today.

She made her way back into her room, and opened the drawer next to her bed. Inside lay the secret comm that she had been given by Anakin. It could contact three people–Anakin, Padme, and Obi-Wan. So far she had only used it to really call Padme and Anakin, as she knew Obi-Wan probably wouldn't want to be bothered by petty girl talk, or hear about her problems. However, she knew that Obi-Wan was the only one she could go to with this, she didn't want to worry Padme or Anakin yet.

She took the comm in her hand and pressed the button. "Master Kenobi? Master Kenobi are you there?"


Obi-Wan was sitting peacefully in his quarters at the Jedi Temple tinkering with his lightsaber. It had been struck by a stray blaster bolt during his last mission, and had refused to work after that. As he was concentrating, trying to use the force to take apart his saber to see the problem, he was pulled out of focus by a buzzing sound in his drawer. He was momentarily confused by what the sound was coming from, but he realized it must be the comm Anakin gave him after Ahsoka left so she could keep in contact with them. Ahsoka had never called him on it though, but he was okay with that, he knew the bond that she shared with Anakin.

He opened the drawer, "Master Kenobi? Master Kenobi are you there?" Ahsoka spoke through the comm.

"Yes Ahsoka, I'm here. I must say I'm surprised to hear your voice, a welcome one, but a surpirse nonetheless. What seems to be troubling you?"

"Master... I," she paused for a moment, Obi-Wan could sense the uncertainty in her voice and... fear? He shook his head away from the thought as she continued, "I had a dream last night, and I'm worried about what it means."

Obi-Wan stroke his beard, what could it be about that has the young togruta so worked up, and why hadn't she gone to Anakin with this? "Well what was it about Ahsoka?" he asked curiously.

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