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"hey! be careful!", kiara said while looking up to John B seeing him stand on the edge of the roof. "hmm you think i would make the fall?", john b asked pope. 

"i think you would have 1 in 3 chance of survival", pope responded back. "Should i do it?", john b asked. "No, don't do it john b", kiara said concerned. 

"john b you are crazyy!", i said giggling looking up seeing john b almost loose balance. "If you drop the beer, i won't give you another one", jj said to john b.

john B struggles with remaining his balance which causes the beer to slip out of his hand and hit the ground. "shit", he said looking at the beer fall on the ground.

"i warned ya", jj said. "guys...we need to go", pope said. "security is here", he said right after. "ah shit", jj said as he started to run away. i rushed after jj following him

kiara helped john b get down while pope was rushing to put everything back into the cooler.

me and jj split ways causing the cop that was running behind us to get confused. the cop followed jj while i was running the complete opposite way. 

i accidentally tripped and fell on the ground causing me to hurt my ankle. i tried to get up but that hurt even more. "Fuckk", i said frustrated knowing i had to get the hell out of there. i tried to get up once again with support of this piece of furniture that was in the house. i got up and stood there with all my weight on my left leg while i had my right leg up so it wouldn't hurt. 

i heard someone running in my direction and i looked over my shoulder to see who it was. "damn kitten, what happened to you?", jj said out of breath while looking at my ankle which was starting to bleed at this point. 

"i tripped and fell on the ground while running", i said. "want me to make it better by giving it a kiss?", jj said slightly smiling. "ew no, i want to get the hell out of here", i said trying to come forward by hopping on one foot. jj giggled as he watched me trying to make my way forward by hopping. "Let me help you", jj said while grabbing my waist with one hand and putting my arm closest to him over his neck with his other hand.

with his support i could go forward way easier. we were so close to the van when we heard a cop right behind us. "fuckkkk, hold on tight kitten", jj said while he grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder running to the van where the others were. 

"c'mon faster!!!!", john b said starting up the van. jj put me down right in front of the van helping me get in fast. then he jumped in and john b driving as fast as he could away from the cops.

"what happened jazzy?", kiara asked concerned while looking at my ankle. "i just tripped while i was running, i'm fine", i said shrugging it of. "if you were fine you could walk by yourself to the van without jj having to carry you here", pope said. "i agree with pope", john b said looking over at me. "guys i literally just sprained my ankle, it's not like i broke it or dislocated it, i'm fine!", i said explaining it to them. "she's right, we just need to put some ice on it to help the swelling", jj said grabbing a beer from the cooler. "here", kiara said handing over her bandana. jj wraps the bandana around the beer bottle and holds it on my ankle. i slightly flinch when the beer bottle touches my ankle. jj noticed and so he laid his hand on top of mine which was on the floor. i looked up at him and i smiled.

we arrived at john b's house. jj helped me get out the van by carrying me in his arms. "kie? can you go grab some ice please?", jj said while laying me on the couch. "you're being so dramatic", i said giggling while shaking my head. "what?", jj said surprised "i'm just helping you so the swelling on your ankle doesn't get worse". "by picking me up, bringing me alllllll the way to the couch and giving orders to people to help me?"

 kiara gets back with a pack of ice wrapped in a thin towel. "Thank you", jj said when kiara handed him the towel with ice. jj grabbed the ice and held it on my ankle. when kiara walks away jj looks at me and says: "yes that's my way of helping you, if you like it or not".

"jj....", i sighed. "hmm?", he said looking up at me. "thank you, i appreciate you helping me but it's really not that big of a deal", i told him. "babygirl.... just shush and let me do my job", he said carefully lifting the ice and placing it back on my ankle. "ugh", i said as i rolled my eyes and laid my head back on the couch. 

"are you planning on spending the night here today?", john b asked me. " can i?", i asked. "yeah of course!", he nodded. "okay great! thank you!", i answered with a smile. "won't your parents worry about you tho?" john b asked. "nah, they said they won't be home till tomorrow afternoon", i responded back. "why don't we all spend the night here, i can grab all the blankets i have here, put them all in one room and we can just all chil together", john b said with excitement. "oooo i like the idea!", kiara said. "i'm down", pope said raising up his hand.

everyone agreed to the idea of spending the night at john b's house.

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