Chapter 3: Bound Battles Part 1

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Chip and Maddison tied the rope around their left wrists.

"You know it'd suck if one of us was a lefty!" Chip grinned with his childish mannerism.
Maddison let out an amused huff of air. "I suppose so Chip. Are you ready?"
"Absolutely!.....for what again?"

The sideliners laughed at his question as Daggeron spoke up a 'begin!'.

Nick sat on Udonna's left(Clare on her right). Leaning in a little, "Who do you think has this Udonna?"

Udonna pondered the question, the others waiting. Daggeron including.

Chip made an open swoop of the wooden sword, letting Maddison slide under it and spin around to him, not letting her back face Chip.

"Maddison I believe."

Nick wasn't too surprised at that, honestly he was thinking the same.

Both were good at what they did, they had speed and battle worthy skill.

While Chip had a more physical advantage and approach, Maddison had her smaller stature to work with making hits harder to land. Maddison also appeared to have a more thoughtful planning set- ready to move and react when need-be.

"Very good Nick. It pays to watch situations carefully for advantages. Viewing fights can help you to not only get to know your opponent, but learn their limits as well."

Nick blinked.....did he...say all that out loud?

"YEAH! That's for having my back Nick!-WHOAH!- Truly an outstanding friendship we have!-AAH!-" Chip ducked from Maddie's swipes.

Nick responded by biting his lip.

"Come on sis!"
"Let's go Chip! Pull on through!"

Vida and Xander cheered respectively.

Nick just went back to talking with his teachers. "Have you ever participated in a bound battle Udonna?"

"No Nick I haven't. I spent my days with more magic based training, but Daggeron, as you already know, is very gifted in this technique."

"That's because I was taught by the best."
Daggeron and Udonna shared a look of understanding, Nick and Clare shared a look of confusion, before shrugging and turning back to the fight.

Maddison twirled under Chip's incoming arm and used to momentum to trip him with her foot.
Not wasting anymore time she pulled on the rope and placed her foot on his chest.
Sword pointed at his throat.

"Yeaah~ Sis you kicked ass!"

Rolling his eyes at Vida's language and bragging, Xander peered over towards his friends. "Chip mate- what happened?!"

"He was outmatched obviously!" Vida teased as Maddison helped Chip up.

"Great work you two- congratulations to your victory Maddie, go sit down both of you." Daggeron told to his slightly panting for air students. "Let's not waste any daylight- Vida. Xander. You're up next."

Nick helped give his teammates some water before sitting back down on the rocks, this time a little farther away from the group.

Daggeron, instead of traveling back near Udonna and Clare, moved to Nick, kneeling down slightly for a more private conversation.

"Nick. You had made great observations before, I would like you to do this again during this next fight alright?"

Nick nodded slowly, "uh....yeah. Sure."

Smiling and giving the younger a pat on the back, Daggeron then went to Udonna to share a few sentences of their own.

"How do you think he will fair Daggeron?"

"Xander should hold himself just fine. I do have a feeling that this will end up having a closer outcome than our previous match." He stated as he observed the next two participates place their ropes and swords in hand.

Raising an amused brow, Udonna clarified her question.
"I was talking about Nick."

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