☆Chapter 4☆

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I woke up and Baekhyun wasn't by my side. I checked the time and it was 10:30 am already. Then I finally got out of bed and went downstairs. There was literally no one at the suite. It was quiet and walking to the table I saw a note. I took the note and read it.

"Didn't wanna wake you up. I had a schedule so I had to go early. Thank you Ruby. Be careful of paparazzi when you leave."

"Off I go" I say out loud as I get my stuff and exit the suite.

Walking outside it's really chilly and cold. I try reaching and calling Maria because I have no idea where I am and how I'm gonna get back to her. Then a man all dressed up in a tux approaches me.

"Are you Miss Ruby?" he asks me politely and I nod my head. "Come with me Mister Byun asked me to escort you back to your hotel" he opens the door to his huge black Mercedes, I go inside and take a seat. The ride wasn't very long and I tired memorizing the way somehow so I don't get lost like this again. I finally arrive and see Maria waiting for me outside.

"Ruby!" she runs towards me and hugs me "I was so worried, where the hell were you?!" she asks.

Great now you have to lie Ruby. Think Ruby, think... "I um...I was with a guy. You know, we met and did... stuff. I didn't realize the time, sorry." I tried lying and it sucked. Clearly I can't really lie.

"Okay then, I guess." we both go inside to get breakfast. We're both eating pancakes and Maria's phone rings and she gets distracted answering the call. I get an instagram notification suddenly and check my phone.

oohsehun: I slept on the couch because of you last night and now you just leave without saying anything to Baekhyun Hyung?

I can't believe what I'm seeing. I look at my phone blankly and stare at the message re-reading it over and over again for the 1000th time. Oh god what should I reply??


It didn't even pass a second when my phone lit up again.

oohsehun: Fix him because now he can't sing or remember the dance because of you.

What is this? Oh wow I didn't expect this from Sehun. How bold. I chuckled under my breath.

What do you want me to do? It's not like I have control over him. U fix him yourself if you're so smart :)

That should do it. I smile satisfied and Maria finishes her phone conversation. Also no reply from Sehun too. I won. I smile again.

"What are you smiling at?" Maria teases me and we both laugh.

After eating breakfast we decided to take s tour bus. We sat on the bus and saw the city. While sitting the songs were playing loudly. Suddenly EXO's 'Love me right' started playing. I listened to the song and all of Baekhyun's parts gave me goosebumps all over my body. Without realizing it I smiled. Every part of my body wanted to tell Maria about Baekhyun and last night. I needed someone to be happy and exited with me. But I can't risk it. So I will stay quiet for his sake.
The tour ended and we were back to the hotel.

"You good?" Maria asked snapping me back from my thoughts.

"Yeah." Then that man that drove me back earlier approached us both.

"Miss Ruby. He's waiting in his studio and said he won't record the songs if he didn't see you. Please follow me" he said and Maria was shocked while I was left speechless.

"You better talk Ruby. I know you lied earlier." Maria said and I didn't know what to say.

"Just come with me you'll see for yourself. I can't speak of it. I'm not allowed to it's a secret." I answer and we both get in the black car. After a 20 minute drive we arrive at the SM building and the studio. Entering the studio there was no music and the producers and staff were just sitting. Baekhyun was on the other side of the glass. He saw me and smiled. He seemed exited. I smiled back before the man told us to take a seat on the sofa and left after escorting us.

"What is this?" Maria asked "It's Byun Baekhyun, do you know him or something? Is he your third cousin or a relative?" she continues asking millions of questions.

" I want everyone out except the producer and Ruby and her friend" Baekhyun suddenly says and everyone is shocked but they soon follow his order and leave.

"Baekhyun I'm a huge fan. But how do you know my friend Ruby?" Maria asks him too. Baekhyun looks at me and I look at him too.

"Well... we've slept together... twice I think" he smiles at me. Oh god he did not just say that. Jesus Baekhyun!!

"Oh my GOD!" Maria yells out and Baekhyun laughs.

"Maria please just don't tell anyone" I beg her

"Let's start shooting the song. Shall we?" he smiles at his producer and he counts down. The music starts playing and Baekhyun starts to sing. My heart melts at his vocals. Is this what heaven really is? He looks directly at me and my heart drops. After he finishes Maria and I go outside in the hall to talk.

"Sorry for not telling you." I say looking down. Before Maria starts to talk Baekhyun comes too.

"Chin up princess. It's all on me. I told you to lie and hide it from everyone" he grabs my hand and I stop breathing for a second. Maria smiles.

"Baekhyun... Maria and I should go" I tell him wanting for him to let go of my hand. He can't do this in public. He shouldn't

"You're not going anywhere. Let's go you need to meet all the members." I freaked out inside "Relax I told you, my manager is not here. We're all good. I won't get in trouble if that's what you're worried about" He holds my hand tighter and all 3 of us go to meet all the EXO members.

oh god what's happening to me?


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