Part 21

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                  Ziggy was sitting around the house when a few of her cousins showed up they asked can Zoe come out and hang with them for a while? " Ziggy was really happy to be in Louisiana but what she didn't know was that she would be living with her grandma her dad didn't have a place after her mom left so he had been living with his mom. 'Ziggy's grandmother was a little on the strict side she didn't want Ziggy to go places that she didn't approve of but she always wanted Ziggy to follow her. ' She would always go and sit with her friends and it brought back so many memories of what happened to Ziggy during her childhood. ' Her older cousin asked' can Zoe come to our house and jump on the trampoline? ' Her grandmother responded no Ziggy has work to do around the house. " Out of nowhere Ziggy says" I haven't even been here two days and you want me to do work! Her grandmother looked at her in the eyes with a evil look greeting on her teeth and holding onto the cabinet countertop tight. "She says look a little girl I'm not gonna have none of your mouth today. ' Ziggy looked back at her and said grandma I'm not giving you lip but I'm not going with you to aunties house today. 'She folded her arms and propped against the wall and pouted. 'Her grandmother tells her to unfold her arms and start running her dish water💦. And she also tells her and I'm gonna tell your dad how you're acting and how you were showing off in front of your little cousins🤷🏾‍♀️ Ziggy smacked her lips walked over to the kitchen sink and told her cousins I'll just come out later when my dad gets home. Her grandmother interrupted her and said you're not gonna be going out later, because you're coming with me we have to go to the grocery store and I have a few errands I have to run. & your dad won't be home until late tonight whenever he gets off work! If you want to have your way in this house You can pay your bill or if notyou and your dad can find your own
house! "I wanted to tell her so bad I don't wanna live in a fucking house anyway but I wasn't about to get myself into any more trouble besides it's just my second day here I'm trying to have fun before I do anything." Just so happens my dad came home early I said dad can I go over to my cousins house and play and jump on the trampoline and I can be home before it's dark? My dad said yeah Ziggy make sure you have the right clothing on and make sure you put on deodorant before you leave the house! I said yes sir I walked in the room with check to see how I was looking in the mirror put on my deodorant Because I had just gotten out of the shower." I can hear my grandma in there saying Zorion so you gonna let that girl go out and play with nobody watching her. " I came around the corner because if she had something to say To my dad she should have said it while I was in there.' I said in the smartest way possible. "Don't worry about nobody watching me now you weren't watching me whenever I was little 🤷🏾‍♀️🙄 that's when all he'll broke loose. My grandmother Grabbed her car keys and said you know what I'm gonna get the hell out of here before I go to jail behind this child talking smart. "She looked at my dad and see it and you were going to be the one behind bars behind her getting away with everything, She tells him but you don't care all you care about is getting high in which crack pipe you're gonna hit next. " now mind you I thought my dad changed over these years I didn't even see it in him that he was still doing drugs but I didn't wanna believe it either because my dad was my a superman in my eyes. Because my grandma off and says look I don't have time for the bullshit Ma!  I'm gonna take my daughter when I get my check and we're going to both get out of here because it seems like she's becoming a problem ever since I brought her back home." Grandma looks at him and says in a very sarcastic voice no she's not becoming a problem her mouth is the problem do you need to slap her in it and get her right before I do. " Just as I was about to open my mouth and say something smart ;because nobody is going to slap me in my shit.
I took a deep breath before I can say anything my dad says ZIGGY!!!!......
"Well ain't nothing but the good Lord save my grandmother just now from getting cursed out she grabbed her keys and she says look I'm going out for a while I'll be back later. "After she walked out my dad says Zoe I am so sorry" I told him no need to be sorry for what Grandma is doing bad it's not your fault. I also told him that I believed in him and I thought that he wasn't doing drugs anymore I said please tell me that that was a lie dad? " He says Ziggy come sit down with me! "My dad grabbed a pen and a paper and he asked me to write on pen and paper for him the things that I would like him to do for me, One of the most things I worried about was my dad dying or doing drugs and they hurt him." I was about to just tell him what I wanted to tell him But he stopped me he wanted me to write it on paper." I guess by me writing it on paper it would be so that he would never forget what I had to say about what he was doing wrong. But I also respect the fact that my dad was trying to fix his problem to help me.' I also brought a daddy when mama was on the phone talking to me she told me not to say anything but she was crying because she said that her boyfriend beat her up after we left while Zion was at the park. " he said what? Why didn't you tell me this whenever we were on the phone Zoe? I said dad what can you do about it we're so many miles away. Mama just needs to pack up and move back home. He said Zoe your mom is not gonna come back I've messed up so bad and there's so many things wrong when I should have been trying to fix our marriage I don't want to hurt you or your brother behind our separation but I also want you to know that me and your mother will not be getting back together. " Just those few small words right there hurt my soul I always thought my mom and my dad will be together forever. " He says hey Pick your head up everything is gonna be OK Zoe I still love your mom and your mom loves me bad things happen to us because of my addiction. 'He says Ziggy you do know what addiction is right? I said yes that I do know what addiction is but I also know that addiction can be cured.
"My daddy knew I didn't hold back of anything I was saying and I wasn't going to cut any corners he says Zoe when I get paid this week we're going to both go out and look for us a place we're going to have a fresh start. I got so excited because the fresh start I really thought mama was going to move back and come meet me and dad. I said but wait I'm only here for the summer that if you get a house I'm gonna have to leave and you're gonna have to live by yourself. "He says baby if you don't want to leave you don't have to leave it's your decision I'm gonna talk to your mother and we're going to come to an agreement. "I said Ok daddy. I love you. He says I love you too baby girl gets up and walks towards his room. I started writing my letter to him that he asked me to write I was better with words speaking them not writing them my letter story and it said. DEAR DAD!
After that my mind went blank I didn't know what else to write or say to him as I was writing I heard the front door slam.
"😳Hello is anybody home? I didn't answer or say anything. Then I heard the voice again HELLO!!! Getting closer and closer. My dad yells I'm in the room!
Nobody said anything! I didn't get up to go look and see either because no one would walk in the house if they weren't welcome. " I continued writing my letter to my dad I still couldn't find the words that I wanted to say when I lifted my head up from the table. " My uncle was standing in the doorway. He says Zoe!!!!!! Is that you?
  "My eyes were big as golf balls I didn't know how to respond or what to say I was just looking at him blinking and in dead silence." I didn't get my passcode to me I finally answered and I said yes it's me.
"He says oh my God you have grown, C,mon over here and give me a hug. I said in my most humblest voice ever sorry but I prefer her not to. Mind you I didn't have anything against my uncle I did forgive but I didn't forget I would hold a conversation but as for anything else that was dead 💀. " My dad walks out of the room to come and see who was in the house he seen it was Uncle Derrick. "He says what's up bro? Uncle Derek said oh nothing just stopping by to see mama before I head home. 'I interrupted him and said daddy can I go outside? He says yes Zoe but don't go far I'm gonna take you somewhere in a little while so be where I can find you. " I said OK I grabbed my pen and my paper that I was writing on I reminded him that I would not forget to finish his letter. " he says OK my sweet girl have fun. I put my shoes on and I walked out the door. " It's been so long since I've been in Louisiana so I didn't know my way around so I stayed close to the house.
I was sitting outside on the porch and there were kids passing on their bikes neighbors walking around in their yards.
(Ring 🔔 ring 🔔 ring 🔔 )
  I heard the phone ringing from outside my dad or uncle Derrick didn't answer. So I ran to answer the phone 📲 I said hello!
It was a lady she says may I speak with Miss Laura? I said she's not in can I take a message? She says sure' can you just have her call me back on this number, she had me call her to have prayer over the phone..."I thought to myself in my head" THAT DEVIL? But I said sure I'll give her the message she says thank you and hung up.
By the time I was going back outside to go on the porch my cousins made it back. " My cousin Tori was older than me she walked up to the porch she says are they letting you come out? "I said yeah my dad says I can go but just to be back before it gets dark. "She says come on we're gonna go take a walk around the block and come right back. We left walking to go around the block,She asked me so many questions about Chicago and about how I liked it. I said actually Cuz I love Chicago but I always wanted to be with my dad also,I looked at her dead in the face and said if my mom and dad could be together I wouldn't care where I live.
She says with Ziggy you know that's not gonna happen your mom hates your dad" and we both bust out laughing.
She says Zoe did you have a boyfriend there? I said no I didn't have a boyfriend I actually had a guy that I liked his name was Darren. But my mom won't let me date and I still feel that I'm too young.
"She says girl you're 15 now you can have a boyfriend, My mom let me have a boyfriend when I was 16. " I didn't know much about having a boyfriend or I wasn't even thinking about a boyfriend all I was thinking about at this time was having fun and enjoying my summer with some of my family and friends.
" We finally made it back from walking around the corner when we got two houses away from my grandmothers house I noticed that she made it back to the house.
"I told Tori I didn't wanna go in because my grandmother gets on my last nerve.
"She said girl I know she's always mean to us whenever we pass by here. Tori says why don't your dad just find his own place I know it would be much better over there.
" I told Tori my dad talked about it we're supposed to be going to look for a place when he gets paid this week but you never know. I also told her I thought my dad was finished with drugs but him and my grandmother was talking and she got mad and blurted out his business.
"Tori said oh my! Did you tell your mom yet? I said no I'm not gonna tell her I'm gonna leave that for dad to do.
It was just getting dark and me and Tori or standing on the porch I can smell food coming from the inside so that means Grandma had to be cooking.
"Tori says hey do you want to go to the park tomorrow there's gonna be a lot of people there that ice cream truck passes in the park at 2:30 I'll get enough money from my mom and dad and we can get ice cream. " I said sure sounds like a plan.
Tori says see you tomorrow cuz, we hugged and she left. "I went inside I got my clothes ready for me to take a bath and get ready to eat and go to bed I was looking forward to tomorrow going to the park and be with my cousin and meet some of her friends. " I didn't have enough time to walk inside of the house yet and my grandmother yells Zoe! " I made a doctors 🥼 appointment for you tomorrow, I want you to talk with someone. " I didn't know why in the world my grandmother made me a doctors appointment ,and why I needed to talk to anyone. I never told her I was sick or anything was wrong with me so who could she possibly have me going to see???🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️

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