Ch:3 How it all started

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Trying to sit comfortably while I surfed the internet for one night room prices inside Chicago, I took of my white Nikes and crossed my legs in front of me.

"What's a beautiful girl doing alone in the airport?" Someone asked startling me.
I turned around to the sound of the speaker and noticed he was sitting close to me.

The handsome stranger, may I say, was looking too good for a flight. He wore a black suit with a white shirt that had the first two buttons unbuckled, lacking a tie.

If I had to guess, I'd say he was at a wedding or was heading to one. What was with me meeting cute boys while looking like a zombie that's going to eat out someone's brains?!

I think he sensed my confusion and explained,"I asked you if I could sit and you agreed." He waited to see if I remembered, then continued,"I guess you were too focused on your phone."

An embarrassed smile played over my lips," I'm sorry. My flight just got delayed till tomorrow and I'm searching for a place to stay." I sigh and he remains quiet, waiting for me to continue.

"But these rooms are so expensive and I didnt exactly get extra cash to pay for a hotel here."
"Did you check the ones in the city?", he asked and then added,"Unless you cant go in."
"No, I can. I'm flying domestically. Never mind, what about you?"

The stranger scratched his head causing a few strands of his perfectly gelled hair to fall.
"If I was to guess, I'd say you ran away from a wedding.", I lightly laugh.

"Well, you can say that.", he laughed. He had that cute laugh that made me smile too.
"I was actually attending a wedding in Ottawa."

"Canada? Then what brought you here?", I asked sounding surprised.
He chuckled, revealing two cute dimples, "No querida. Ottawa as in the one in Illinois."

" Oh!", I said sure that I looked so stupid right now. "Okay and now what?"
"Well I was smart enough not to double check my ticket and came 24 hours before my flight.", he said rather unamused.

I burst out laughing while he simply rolled his eyes.
"Hey", he said defensively while holding his hands in the air, " I thought the plane was 5am today turns out its tomorrow."
"Well go back.", I said in a duh voice.
"And miss a chance to spend some time with you? Dont think so querida.", he said winking.

"First of all, my name is Julliana not whatever you're calling me.", I said while yawning. He only smirked.
"Well are you gonna tell me your name Mr Full of Yourself?"

"First of all, my name is Edward not whatever you're calling me." He said imitating my voice only to a failed attempt. I rolled my eyes unamused.

"Second of all why on earth would I want to spend time with you?"
"Um,duh. I'm good looking, smart, funny I mean what more could you want?"

"Stop the storm or simply transport me San Francisco. So unless you're a wizard or genie or whatever and can make my wish come true, forget it."

"Ouch querida.", Edward said while placing a hand in his heart.
"Julliana.", I reminded him.
"Juls is enough for me."
"Whatever. It's useless.", I mumbled under my breath.

After a few moments he sat across me and said,"Since we're both stuck here till tomorrow, why not explore Chicago. I've heard it's a pretty place?"

"Now why would I go explore a city with someone I just met? I mean for all i might know, you might be a serial killer." I stated.

He put a finger on his chin, thinking and then said smirking,"Well you have a point. But I could also be the love of your life."
A loud laugh escaped my mouth before I could suppress it, earning us a few weird looks.

"What if I could make you fall in love with me in 24 hours?"
I sat across him with my eyeballs out of my eyes and my laugh filling the airport.

"You're kidding, right? You cant be serious?"
He looked at me as if what I said was out of this world whereas what he had said a second ago was the new norm.

"No, seriously. Stop laughing! I'm not kidding. Cant you see I'm not laughing?", Edward said while a smile played on his lips.

I tried to keep a straight face but couldn't and burst out laughing again.
"What if? No seriously, what if?", he added.
And I dont know what struck me or what I was thinking but for a second i actually thought about it.

"Ok what do I get if your theory fails?"
"My friendship. Or at least you would have had some fun."
"And if you win?"
"Well, easy sweetie, my love."
"Yeah, sure. It would never happen in your dreams, talk about reality."

"So, deal?"
I thought about it and concluded that some risk was fun and I wouldn't have to wither while waiting for a plane.

Also I was kinda hoping it would give me the push I needed and maybe even help me see the world from a different perspective.

"Sure, why not?", I chuckled. "This is gonna be fun."

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