Ch:8 Flying Elephants

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5 minutes later and we have already entered the National Park of Chicago.

"This time I'm gonna be the one asking questions." I say smirking, head high in the sky. Ed chuckles at my expression and dares me saying,"Give me the best you got."

"I was going to ask when was the last time you sang to yourself or someone else, but we both know the answer to that." I said having a wide smile but before I got tha chance the continue, Ed laughed saying,"At 5 am this morning, Sunrise by Kygo."

Laughing, I jokingly punched him in the stomach. He dramatically put a hand around his stomach to show he was in pain and said,"Ouch! For a girl you punch too strong."

"Thats so sexist of you to say." After a pause, I sadly added,"I didn't expect that from you." I spotted in the far end of the pathwalk a pond filled with ducks and swans swimming in it and continued walking towards it.

Catching up, Ed said,"I'm so sorry. I didnt think that through. I'm not sexist, just so you know. I'm fact, I'm known as one of the people who punch others for sexist or racist jokes."

When I didnt answer, he added,"I'm really sorry. I truly regret it. In fact this is the first time I say or do something similar. So will you forgive me?"

"Okay. I partially do." I say smirking.
"What do I have to do to make you fully forgive me?"
"A tub of icecream and a big bag of both  chips and marshmallows." I smile sweetly, giving him my best puppy eyes.

"You know what actually, I think my conscience cam live knowing you halfly forgave me."
"You know what actually, I think I just changed my mind; I havent forgiven you."

"Sorry to break it to you Jules, but forgiving is similar to gifting a gift, once you give it, you cant take it back." Ed said crossing his arms across his chest and smirking while winking my way.

In a blink of an eye, I found Ed's ego drop 10 times till it hit the floor, literally. I said while Ed was still on the ground,"It looks like you put your head too high in the sky."

Ed unimpressed coldly said with slanted eyes and a fake smile,"Are you going to help me?"
"I cant see any elephants flying, do you?" I teased and pretended to look around.

Ed hadnt changed his expression, he only added an eye roll.
"Say please." I said giving him my hand.
"Por favor." He said taking my hand.

But before I even got the chance to resist, I found Edward pulling me to him which resulted in me being in his laps. For a solid minute, we stared into each others eyes subconsciously.

And eventhough I wanted to look away, the was like the ocean in his eyes kept pulling me in, deeper and deeper. And right before I was pulled into the black hole in his eyes, I managed to pull myself away and averted my eyes to his face instead.

His cheeks had a couple of light freckles sprinkled onto them, and unless you were at a kissing distance with him, you wouldnt have noticed. Upon saying that in my head, I noticed how close we were and from the look of Ed's face, reality had hit him too.

And once we snapped back from our little staring contest, I jumped faster than a cheetah away from Ed. Realizing that we were in the middle of the pavement and looking around to find parents judging us and their kids some looking disgusted and the elder ones in awe, my face turned as red as a beetroot.

After getting up off the floor, Ed immediately took my hand and we kind of jogged the remaining distance to the pond.

We still hadn't talked till we reached the  mini sign stating 'Ponds of love'. Next to the writing was a draing of two swans bending their necks to form a heard shape.

We both were bending, holding our knees, panting and gasping for air. When we both could breath normally and not look like dying fish, we both, at the same time, looked down at our intertwined hands.

Ed immediately let go of my hand and blushed a baby pink. I have to say, he looked so cute blushing.

I turned to Ed again and saw him blush a deeper shade of pink. Confused, but before I got the chance to ask why, he said, "So you find me cute, huh?"

Dumbfounded, I asked, "Huh? Excuse me?"
"You said i looked cute when i blushed?"
"I said what?"
"Yiu said and I quote 'he looks so cute blushing.'" He said imitating my voice when he quoted me, only to make me sound like a 5 year old.

Upon getting to the conclusion that I had voiced out my thoughts just a second ago, I blushed the deepest red found in the history of deep reds.

"Dont worry querida, it was just a matter of time that you would start falling for me. It just was sooner than I expected." Ed said chuckling.

Rolling my eyes at him, I entered the pet food store to buy some food to feed the pond animals. Ed didn't say a word about my unusual food shopping, instead offered to split the total bill.

We ended up buying a small amount food for almost all of the different species of birds living in and around the pond.

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