The Spark

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Anna sighed and sat up slowly. "It's the first time that someone was actually kind enough to care about me and worry about me." She looked at Elsa apologetically and shrugged. Elsa sat back down with a long, heavy sigh and rubbed the back of her neck. "This was gonna be a LONG night." Elsa thought wearily. "Well, I'm not one for seeing others in trouble and not helping. It's not the way I was raised." Elsa replied. "And besides, you have me now. I'll take care of you and be kind to you and love you and do whatever else it is you want me to." With a squeak, Anna grabbed a pillow and slammed it into her face to hide her quickly darkening cheeks and ears. Elsa, afraid that she said something to upset Anna, jumped up quickly, ignoring the wave of pain that coursed through her foot. "Hey, wait. No, are you okay?" she cried. "Did I say something wrong? I'm sorry!" A moment of silence passed between the two before Anna removed the pillow from her face and replied. "No..." she whispered. Elsa smiled and rubbed Anna's head gently. "Honestly, you had me worried for a minute." she sighed. She couldn't find herself not caring about Anna, not when they've already grown so attached to one another. "So, do you live anywhere around here?" Elsa asked. It was getting quite late, and she didn't want Anna walking alone. Anna shook her head sadly and frowned. "Can I tell you something?" she asked. She looked at Elsa with sad, tear-filled eyes. Elsa's smile faltered and soon became a frown that equaled or surpassed Anna's. "Yes, you can. But, only if you feel comfortable doing so." Elsa replied with a light nod. Anna groaned and hugged the pillow close to her stomach. She didn't like speaking about her life or family problems with others, but she felt as if she could really trust Elsa, despite the fact that they've only just met. She liked being around her. So, with a deep breath, Anna began. "When I was young, my mother was diagnosed with Type-1 Diabetes. Not to mention, she also had Sickle Cell Disease and Asthma." Elsa looked at Anna, stood up, and wrapped her arms around Anna's waist. "I'm sorry..." she mumbled. "Honestly, you don't have to do this if you don't want to... I don't want to make it seem as if I'm pressuring you." At Elsa's words, as if on cue, she burst into tears and clutched Elsa's sweater tightly. She shook her head quickly and cried louder as Elsa began to stroke her head slowly, gently. "Shh. Shh. There, there." Elsa cooed. "Do you wanna know what my parents always told me as a child?" She asked the sobbing girl. With a small nod, Anna clutched the sleeve of Elsa's hoodie and pulled herself closer, closing any gap - any space - that was left between them. "They always told me to conceal - don't feel - don't let it show." Hiccuping, Anna looked up at Elsa and sniffled. She was trying so hard to regain her composure, but she couldn't... Not while being held by this totally random girl that just took her to her house. With that thought, Anna's body jolted and she sprung out of Elsa's arms and onto the floor. "I'm sorry, for everything, all of this." She sighed wearily. Seeing Anna cry caused a pang of guilt to flood all throughout Elsa's body and she suppressed a violent shudder. "When you're ready to go home, just tell me." "But, for now, you can stay with me." She looked around and shrugged her shoulders. "The place is small, but it should do for the both of us for a while." Anna wiped her eyes on the hem of her shirt and stood up. "A-Are you sure about this?" Anna asked. Did this girl not have any regard for her safety?! "You hardly even know me." Elsa clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes. "Whether or not I know you doesn't matter, I just want to make sure that you're safe." Anna opened her mouth to protest, but Elsa raised her hand and silenced her. "There are no ifs, ands, or buts. Got it?" Elsa warned. The tone of Elsa's voice scared Anna, yet it also made her ... giddy"What is this?!" Anna could hardly believe it, but was staying with Elsa! "I... Thank you..." Anna replied. "And whenever you're ready, we can go down to the Police Station and you can tell them what happened, okay?" Elsa extended her hand to help Anna off of the floor, which she quickly accepted, and pulled her into a tight hug. Anna's face reddened as she was pulled into the tight embrace, but returned it nonetheless. Time seemed to slow down as the two held each other, their breath tickling the nape of the others neck as they inhaled each other's scent... Until Elsa's phone rang. Jumping from the sudden sound, Elsa fumbled in her pockets until she found it. Pulling it out, she stared at the screen with furrowed eyebrows and a scowl. "Who the fuck is it?" Elsa thought angrily. "Is everything okay?" Anna asked, worried. Shoving the phone back into her pocket, Elsa grumbled "Yeah, everything's cool." Anna stepped around Elsa and slowly slid her hands up and down her chest. "You're so soft." Anna sighed contentedly. Her heart was pounding in her chest, but she didn't care. She wanted Elsa, more than anything now. Elsa's body twitched and she instantly wheeled around on her heel, staring Anna directly in the face. "I.. Even though we just met... I... Think... I like you...?" Anna admitted. Elsa swore that at that moment, her heart leaped out of her chest.

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