{God Knows I Don't Want To Be An Angel}

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Even though Stan had been to many parties in the past couple of weeks, he'd never get used to the increase of people that came each time.

He could see more of his classmates, which made him uncomfortable, people were fine, but when you put them all in the same room, and you couldn't breathe, not so fine. It wasn't natural seeing classmates outside of the school.

"Stan, Bev, you're alive" A familiar voice said, and Stan sighed in relief when he saw Mike sweeping past the big crowds to rescue them,  and to Stan's surprise Bill was trailing behind him, trying not to spill his drink. 

Stan couldn't help but smile at the fact that Bill was growing more comfortable with the Losers, he hugged Mike tightly "Where's Richie?" He asked

"He's busy with Eddie" Mike said, gesturing to the other side of the room where Richie was dancing terribly, singing loudly, the wrong lyrics as well. Eddie held his head in his hands.  "You want a drink?"

"Got to have summat to get me through this night" Stan said as yet another pissed twat knocked into him. Mike smiled and passed him something that smelt like pain and regret.

"That's what I'm here for" Bev  said, wrapping her arm around Stan and resting her head on his shoulder.

"What are you two supposed to be?" Mike asked, stepping back a little to inspect their costumes in another light, because yes, he hated them that much that he made this a fancy-dress party.

"I'm Romeo, he's Juliet...we flipped a coin" Bev  said, gesturing to her Knight armour dress, which she made herself and I'll tell you, it required a lot more effort than Stan's angel wings and white shirt.  Ben made the wings.

"The purpose being to make fun of Bill's shit film taste" Stan added, and Bill groaned as Mike laughed at him.

"You're n-never letting t-that go, are y-you?" He complained.

"Two hours, two fucking hours of my life I'm not getting back" Stan said, making his way through the room before Bill could defend his film preferences. Bev managed to convince Bill to dance with her, which wasn't the only miracle of that evening, the second  was that she didn't break any bones.

Mike was good enough company to dance with,  until Stan was left on his own again,  as Rue started talking to him, getting all giggly amd excited inviting him upstairs. Which at the time, Stan was confused at which point in time the dynamic between them had changed, but then he remembered the love letter and Mike constantly hanging out and talking with her, Stan was a little oblivious. Mike probably told him, Stan really needed to start paying attention now. 

What was so exciting about upstairs? He thought Oh, OH. That's what. Yuck.

Sadly, Stan missed Richie's indoor fireworks using a microwave because of a fairly tall boy with dark eyes and hair waving at him to try and get his attention.

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