8: Perpendicular

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Splatter #8

                   LOVE STORY

↪ Mathematically speaking, a line is considered perpendicular to another line if it meets or crosses the line at a right angle or 90 degrees.

Sorry for giving you a heavy heart because of the poems featuring the three saddest love stories in Mathematics. To lighten you up, read this. 😊



Love is a state of uncertainty,
yet, no one can't deny the reality
that there's always a possibility.
Find that person who'd pull me up from the misery.
Because no matter how small, still it's a probability.
True love will find its way
and this time, I'll be favored by destiny
to make a happy ending story.

I've always believed in happy endings,
truth to be told,
love doesn't always give those.
But, I didn't lose hope.
All I have to do is to allow God's will to take over.
In His perfect time, He'd bring us together.
And I, I waited patiently for that day.

By God's grace and His design,
we met at the right place,
at the right time.
I cherished the moment that had finally come,
when our hearts are made to become one
and said, "I am yours and you are mine."

Yes, a long journey's waiting ahead.
But, I was glad our line intersected.
I've never been felt this way before.
I couldn't ask for anything more.
And one thing's for sure,
happy ending is possible.


There you have it, is there really a happy ending? I'm sure, there is. 😊 Guess, I should post my Physics-inspired poems, too. You know, the three laws of motion according to Isaac Newton. Get ready to be hurt, AGAIN. 😂


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