part 5

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Barb looked down at you

Barb "its not rock. And rock is all mighty. Yknow, but it.. Wasent.. Half bad i guees"

Barb said, seeming a bit embaressed on saying that as she turned away.

Barb "anyways, tomorrow im taking you to the techno trolls kingdom. Welllll whats left of it"

She speaked in a smug tone while high fiving poppy, while they start to talk to eachother a troll walks into the room, making a beeline for you, unlocking the cage and grabbing your arm, dragging you along with him back to barbs room. When he opens the door to the bedroom and starts to chain you up. Tucking the key away into a place you cannot reach, he leaves the room, barb walks in while waving to somebody on the other side of the door, she closes the door and jumps onto her bed, playing on her phone, you look at her. A bit mad and tense after seeing what she did to the kings and queens

Barb "why ya looking at me like that?"

She says, getting up and walking to you, you shift a bit back. Well as far as you can as she comes close

Barb "aww is little prisoner scared?"

You shake your head violently while she chuckles with amusement

Y/n "why.. Are we going to the techno trolls kingdom tomorrow?"

You say in a curious tone as you tilt your head slightly

Barb "because i like to visit that area. Just to make sure none of those weird bleeps and bloops happen"

Y/n "whats wrong with bleeps and bloops?"

Barb "they're annoying! Who needs bleeps and bloops when we have rock. Anyways, ready to give up your string?"

You shake your head no once again, making barb let out a sigh

Barb "thought so. Anyways go to sleep or do nothing i don't know"

She walked back to her bed and climbed in. Immedietly falling asleep with small little snores. You laid down as you look at the bed, letting out a soft yawn while you sleepily drift asleep

You wake up from a small tug on your arm, it was barb. Trying to wake you up. You sit up, gently rubbing your eyes then looking at her a bit clueless

Barb "i already took your chains off. Now, its time to go"

She grabbed your wrists and pulled you off the couch. Dragging you along to the angler buss and bringing you in, putting you in a room filled only with couches and pillows, a few windows too, barb closed the door behind you. Leaving you to your own thoughts. With not much to doo and knowing that their were people outside the door. Ready to capture if you try escaping you just look out of the window, a while passes amuntil the buss slowly pulls to a stop, you must be here!, you leaped up from boringly looking through the window as barb came in, also seeming slightly excited while she stands holding the door open

Barb "cmon itty bitty prisoner"

You were still bothered by the longsome nickname but managed to ignore it, walking with barb through a few rooms you finally make it, covering your eyes as the mouth of the angelerbus opens you see...

(sorry for the short chapter)

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