part 6

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(hey peeps, been a loooong time since ive posted something. Anyways, here ya go)

You take a step back at the disheartning sight. The once vibrant and cheerful kingdom has been reduced to dark and red kingdom, the trolls broken, their heads looking down or running away at the sight of queen barb. Pieces of the once vibrant home scattered, in the middle of it all was the dj stand. Sliced perfectly in half, barb looks at you smiling as she turns her head to you. her expression changing as she sees your reaction to the broken kingdom. She shakes her head and starts to talk

Barb "well.. Cmon. Lets go"

Y/n "go where?"

Barb "anywere you want"

You looked at her then looked back at the sliced dj stand, you clenched your fist then took a few steps back. Barb swings around and looks at you

Barb "oh come on its not that b-"

She didint have enough time to finish her sentance as she watches you sprint toward the exit and taking a leap, it feels like your in water but your able to breath. you reach out your hand to try and grab something to give you an extra push, before you knew it you were getting a push. But not in the right direction. You stopped and looked around. Then noticed a chain on your ankle, following it all the way back to the buss where barb stood there, smirking that smug smirk. You feel another tug, slowly dragging yiu back to the buss, you start to try to swim away but to no avail, before you know it barb wraps her arms around your waist and pulls you againts her, causing both of you to get covered in water. You squirm around, trying to escape once again.

Barb "woah woah calm down. What did you expect? Not for me to put chains on my itty bitty prisoner?"

Y/n "let me go! I dont like it here. And i dont wanna be here!"

You demanded while barb carries you into a diffrent room the same , barb puts you down and looks at you fustrated. You retreat back behind a leather couch, your chain tailing behind you. Making it quite simple to find you, barb picked up your chain, yanking it and forcing you out of your hiding spot, she kept yanking until you were just into arms reach, you start trying to pull the chain off and escape but it was too tight. Barb starts to get closer. As you panic you start to resort to plan b.

You looked at her and then tackled ger down, taking her aback at your sudden risk of courage she starts to fight back. After a few minutes of struggling she manages to pin you down, you still squirm and struggle

Barb "gotta admit you were stronger then i expected, but your still weak"

She chuckled, still seeming to be mad at you she picked you up, waking to a cage as you try kicking at her, she puts you inside and locks the door, looking down at you as she speaks

Barb "surprised something so adorable can be so fiesty"

You stayed quite, staring at her as she walks away, back to being oh so smug

A few hours past and you start to fall asleep. But being stubborn you force yourself to stay awake, just incase if she comes back. But sooner then later you finally give in and drifts asleep, soon waking up to a small push, you jump up, looking around in distress as you try to remember what happened, you realize that your still inside of the cage you sit down, after making sure you were alone. It must have been the angler buss, you thought you bring your knees up to your chest, gently curling up, you turn your head to the door as it start to open. Whoever it was, they were not trying to be noticed, the door slowly holts to a stop, you see a dark hooded figure rush into the room and quietly closing the door, you shift back into the corner, trying not to be noticed as you try to determen who the hooded figure was. You stared at them as they start to walk around, turning around and finally spotting you. They walk to you calmly and bends down to eye level with you, as you stare they start to open their mouth to speak

Mystery person "what a pretty little prize that im going to steal"

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