part 8

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You stared at him with hatred and resentment, only for him to let out another amused chuckel. Which only made you more mad, mad enough to try and attack at him once again, kades puts his hands up.

"woah there. No need to pounce on me little kitten"

Kade says, seemingly enjoying watching you struggle with the chains, as you try your hardest to free yourself, after a few minutes of endless scratching and hitting on the chains you start to feel warned out, looking back at kade, you see him leaning againts the bars, watching his new entertainment struggle, finally seeing you calm down kade begins to speak

"tired already?" he says, watching you let out a small huff "good, now we can begin our 'friendly' discussion. Even though watching you struggle is enjoyable to see"

You scowled at him hating him even more with each word that comes out of his mouth

"tell me, do all creepy weirdos have dark disturbing basements with a cage, or is it just you?"

Y/n said, causing kade to stare at you for a few seconds then shrugged his shoulders, although he was amused at your sudden back talk

"wouldnt know"

He said, he kept observing you to wait for a response, but seeing you were done he talked once again

"now. I believe you have a few quistions, so ill show you a little bit of kindness, now quistion away. Im an open book"

You stared at him, already knowing your first quistion

"were am i"

Kade looked at you seemingly second guessing his words as he scratched the back of his head

"well- maybe not that open, cant have you escapin' and telling barb were i am cant we, even though you wont be escaping"

You seemed a bit upset with response but decided to go to the next best thing

"why did you take me?"

You said, hoping he would be able to awnser this one

"oh, because i thought that if barb kept you as a pet, you must've been pretty entertaining, and i was right. You are"

Kade said with a grin that just made you wanting to attack him resurface, but now knowing the reason you continued with your quistions

"is it just you?"

Kade laughed at this quistion

"if your thinking what i think your thinking then yes its just me and those chains keeping you from the exit"

Happy with the awnser you stood up, he seemed surprised as you charged at him with the chain off, while you kept him occupied with the quistioms you slowly started to slip yourself out of the restrains, bruises already froming as you waited for the right time to attack, in your adreniline rush you managed to get past him, with the feeling of freedom oh so close you spotted the door and bolted to it, turning the nob and pushing it... Open..? Why wasent it opening?, you asked yourself as you keep trying to open the door, the hope died as quickly as it came when you felt a Menicing presence behind you.  You slowly turned around only for your wrists were roughly held together, causing you to whince slightly in pain with your new bruises forming, looking up at kade he dragged you back to the chains, forcing them back on as you tried to get away, this time the chains felt tighter, now you definetly wouldnt be able to get free without the key

"nice attempt kitten, but im not dumb enough to leave the door unlocked"

Kade said holding a key up

"but it does seem im going to have to be a bit more careful with you"

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