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Two weeks later:

Priya was trying to take a nap...but, a sharp sound of wailing woke her up....she blinks her eyes...and finds that Amaira crying loudly and her caretaker is patting her back to comfort her....being a little frustrated, she stirs from the bed...just then, Ram enters the room...wearing a Joker cap on his head...Amaira and Priom flashed their jaws seeing their Golu Papa in such an avatar...Priya too dozed off....smiling a little!


A little later, Ram comes up with a bowl of soup...Priya being a little irate...complaints to him...Ram, come on yaar! I can have my food on my own! I'm not pregnant now! You just don't need to bother so much! Saying this, she bites her lips...and looks up to Ram...I'm sorry! I didn't mean that! I don't know what has just happened to me....I'm just a little depressed I think! Ram cups her face into his palms...It's okay, Priya! It happens postpartum....it's normal to feel a little frustrated after delivery! Accha? How do you know? How many wives do you have? He clutches her near his chest...I've one only...who's worth millions....laughing a bit!


In the evening, when Priya was arranging her hair looking into the mirror...she skeptically looked at herself! Though she claimed to Ram that she's no longer expecting a baby, she looks like she still is! Her chubby cheeks...swallowed eyelids...and her bust...looked horrible!

A little disappointed Priya concentrates on combing her hair...which seems to be a little rough! Suddenly, her eyes fell upon a stone crown kept on the dressing table...Ram bhi na! This won't fit Peehu...it's way too big for her! Ram who was observing her from behind, comes forward...Darling, this is not for Peehu but for her Mother! Saying this, he places the crown on top her head....which inscribed 'Happy Mother's Day'!


Two days later, Soumya comes to Priya....Bhabi, I was thinking to go for shopping! I don't have any summer clothes! Bhabi, see, my suit, it's too old! Priya looked at her outfit, which seemed quite okay to her! Bhabi, let's go for it na! Nai Soumya! You take Peehu along with you and enjoy, okay? But, no Ice-cream and Pizza, alright? Bhabi, I need you! I need your suggestions...please...she pledges! I would go Soumya...but, the kids? Don't worry Bhabi...Bhappa has become a pro now! Someday, he can write his own book on "Fifty tips on handling newborns"...hearing this, Priya giggles...she soon stops...and says, I feel so guilty yaar....I've been resting and he has been nurturing PriAm all along! It's okay...Bhabi...you needed time to heal! We understand...Priya winks...we? Accha...tell me....how much your Bhappa has offered you to take me shopping? This is a plan of you guys, no? Nai toh! Priya slightly tweaks Soumya's earlobe...ouch! Bhabi!


Although they had a fun-time together...Priya was a little anxious throughout the time...she kept messaging Ram and KK to know how PriAm are doing! Soumya yaar, let's go home....It's their nap time...it's quite an effort for Ram to put them into sleep...and they don't like the made-up stories narrated by their Nannies...Peehu inquires in the middle...Mumma....what I'll gift to PriAm...Papa was saying they have brought a special magic wand for their Didi....from Mumma's tummy! So, I also need to buy them some gifts, no? Of course, baby...Soumya caresses her back and take her into the teddy bear section!


Priya hastily enters their room....to check on PriAm...she finds Ram holding Priom with one of his hands...who's sleeping on his shoulder and he pats Amaira with another hand who's resting on his lap...and their Nannies stood static at a little far...

Sanitizing her hands, Priya offers to take Priom into her lap...He nods his head in negative...get some rest Priya...tomorrow you need to wake up early! Huh! Why so? I need to practice yoga...after all, I'm the Father of three little angels...I need to take care of myself, no? Okaay...but, what'll I do waking up early? You'll accompany me...you know I can't do it without you! Priya's eyes shine with gratitude...she knew her husband well...he wanted his Priya to be back in her ordinary life!

Two years later:

Priya is now the Editing Chief of their online bookstore chains...Ram works as a stay-in-home Dad once a week...he has lived all those little moments that he missed during Peehu's time...that's too for twice! Priya too got a little break time to time...as Ram wanted her to enjoy some time of her own....that she missed when Peehu was born...


Priom playing with his Tea-Party set...prepared his first cup of tea after quite of efforts...he went to Amaira with his tea pot to make her taste it...Amaira who was busy establishing a design for a building with her Lego toys...praises her little brother! They look at the clock...on no! It's time for Mumma and Peehu Di coming home...they need to prepare the costume for Peehu Di...their own 'Superman'...she protects them from being bullied...she scolds them when they're wrong...and she pats their back with pride whenever they're right!


Today, both RaYa had to call it a day...as they had to prepare their roles for PriAm's play this evening....once they enter the house....both Priom and Amaira run to them...clinging up to their thighs....Peehu also joined them...Ram bent down to kiss Peehu's cheeks....his favorite muse...when RaYa asked PriAm what roles they're going to give to their parents....they got a little confuse...Dad...you're our Mom too when Mumma is not around....and Mumma tends to be our Dad when you're not there...Papa! Accha? Mumma acts bossy..., no? But, Papa is not so cool like Mumma...no? PriAm scream loudly...offoo...stop arguing you two...you're both our Mom and Dad...Peehu exclaims...we're privileged to have two sets of Mom and Dad! They burst out laughing...Ram encircled them into a group hug!

At night:

Priya gets on the bed and makes her place in between Priom and Amaira...Peehu rests her head on Ram's shoulder...and, then...three of them scream in unison, Mumma....bed time story...? Priya recites their favorite story to them...RaYa's story...caressing PriAm on each of her arm...she asks...so, what did you learn? PriAm reply loudly...the moral of the story is...to err is human...but, to accept...to let go...to forgive is also human! RaYa's eyes met for a while...they entwined their fingers...resting on each side of the bed...a while later, Priya too started snoring...lightly...reciprocating to the rest of the Kapoors' clan!


RaYa Confrontation : Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now