Chapter 1

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"You fucking punk!" They guy yells and rushes at me. I dodge his attack smoothly and bring my leg up kicking him in the stomach. He grabs his middle and gasps falling backwards.

"Is that all?" I ask the guy innocently looking down at his enraged form. He was shaking and had his hands clenched into tight fists. I stuff my hands into my pockets and start to walk away.

"I'm not done with you punk." He says getting up. I turn around and see his fist coming for my face, I dodge just in time and swivel around to the back of him. Kicking him in the back he falls forward into one of the ally ways walls. "Tch." I don't like coming out into the city just for this reason. I always get into fights one way or another. Not like I would get into trouble or anything. No one can read me, I'm colorless. Street scanners can't sense me, the only way for me to get into trouble is if the MWPSB comes after me personally. I look down at my watch 7:30 pm. I was supposed to meet Gu-sung at a local bar at 8. I look back up in time to see the guys fist right before it connects with my face. I stumble backwards grunting trying to stay standing up. He goes to punch me again when knee him in the stomach he hunches forward and I bring my leg up and slam it down on his back. Making his body slam into the ground. Police sirens could be heard in the distance as this guys crime coefficient goes up. The little police robots come around the corner and I scowl. Well fuck. I run into the nearest building and run to the roof. I look down and see the building surrounded by the MWPSB. "Tch." I look at the next buildings roof and see it relatively close. I get a running start and jump to the next building making a run before I was seen.


"The PSB showed up?"

"Yup. Looked like Division one." I say sipping on my strawberry smoothly. Gu-sung leans back in the both thinking.

"Maybe you should stay away from the city for a while if there sending in division one. You must have been giving them a reason worth going after you."

"Hmm, maybe yeah. The street cameras are nearly impossible to avoid. But that's where you would come into play would it not?" I ask smirking. He nods and grabs his drink chugging the last bit.

"I can hack the cameras. Haven't done hacking in a while but I can do it."


"A bout a week ago you said something about investing the Sybil system. Why would you do that?"

"I wouldn't be alone. You know that guy Shogo Makishima? He was the cause of the specimen incident a few years back."

"Yeah, so I'm guessing you're teaming up with him? Isn't he considered missing?"

"Hn, yeah not till just recently. We've gotten in contact with each other gone over his plan. Our goals are about the same. He seemed to have been planning this for a long time though."

"So you're just inspecting the Sybil system and not destroying it?"

"Honestly I would like to do both but I would also love to ruin the MWPSB reputation."

"I already knew that." I roll my eyes shaking my head. I check my watch and see that it's getting late. I usually get to bed around 12 or 1 i don't like going to bed later than that. "I'm gonna get going it getting late." I grab my coat draping it over my arm. I get up and Gu-sung gets up as well, we exit the bar together and I breathe in what could be called fresh city air.

"I'll see you later." I say shrugging my coat on. He grabs my face and leans in closer to me and smashes his lips into mine. He pulls away after a few moments and smirks.

"Bye bye." He says walking in the opposite direction I was going in. I felt hot and out of character for a second. I shake my head and head back to my apartment.

Paint Me Black {Psycho Pass FanFic} (KogamixOC)Where stories live. Discover now