Y/n is the first girl in the glade and also the last . The rest of the glasses have been stuck there for almost 3 years however when y/n shows up hope follows as she is not an ordinary girl - she is special .
This is my first book so please don't ju...
"Here get changed into these" the woman said. She was wearing all white which matched her shoulder length hair of similar colour.There was something about her which was familiar yet terrifying at the same time. It felt as if she always was planning something evil in her mind yet her face never gave off what.
She noticed my lack of response so gestured towards the bathroom and I obeyed.The clothes she gave me were some dark blue denim shorts,a white t-shirt which rested perfectly above the shorts, a red matching bra and pair of underwear , some white ankle socks and finally a pair of black combat boots.
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Once I was dressed, I left the room and made my way back towards where the fair haired woman stood "One night left " she spoke clearly yet in an almost whisper. I nodded in acknowledgement .
I was excited but didn't have time to show it as my heart sunk pretty quickly after I realised the news I would have to break to the late teen boy waiting I our room.
I was escorted to the sleeping chambers and before the guard and woman were about to leave , she said a sentence which would haunt my nightmares and sent shivers down from head to toe. She spoke once again in an almost whisper but this time close to my ear "Everything is going to change" and then before I could turn around , the door was shut in my face.
As I turned I came face to face with the dark haired boy sitting ,waiting on his bed.His wide grin soon on tuned into a confused frown which knitted his eyebrows together as he saw my head hang low.My mind whirred with thoughts and fear before he finally broke the silence. "Darlin'? What's wrong? His deep voice of concern was only making this harder.
I jut kept thinking of different ways to break the news easily but there wasn't one.Just before he was about to repeat the himself, I blurted out "I got picked"
His confusion rapidly turned into devisitation and then anger. As he quickly shot from his his sitting position and raised his voice "But you said no?" My silent response gave him the answer he didn't want but he had to have confirmation "Right?" He pushed and his voice cracked with watery eyes.
"Im sorry Noah, I had to" His name usually rolled off of my tongue with ease but right now it didn't feel right - not one bit.He walked over close to me shaking his head with frustration and spat out without consideration of his words "If you really love me like you say, you would have refused" His reaction brought shock to me but knew I he was just upset
"You know that's not true " I replied fighting off tears which are threatening to spill.However his were already rolling down his face when he realised the statement he had just declared. "I know, I am sorry" He sighed and rested his forehead against my own for a few minutes before I broke our peace "but ..." my voice cracked before I could finish my sentence.i quickly gathered myself before continuing ."i need you to let us go " i spoke in a gentle whisper knowing if i raised my voice even the slightest I'd break down"i need you to let me let you go" i continued "at lest until we meet again"
He was about to protest but his heart wouldn't let him.so he just reassured me with a fake smile and enveloped me in his strong arms . I melted into the embrace with head against his broad chest and his chin resting on top of my head .
We swayed back and fourth for a while before he said " you'll never forget me, right?"
"Never". Confirmed
Almost instantly after those last words escaped my mouth the memory faded into a dark abyss and i felt water fill my lungs and a sense of panic crawled up my spine as my eyes jolted open and I aggressively coughed up the water that was burning my lungs.
My eyes attempted to adjust to the darkness around me and pretty soon i came to the realisation that I was moving up - quickly.
I thought "What the hell did i get myself into?"
A/N: Hey guys this was our first chapter to the story so we hope you enjoy please don't judge - our spelling may be a bit off but we spent a lot of time and care on this so thanks for reading . Criticism is welcome and feedback is appreciated :)