For or against? ( Chapter 5 )

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A/N: as if we have hit 99 reads ! I cant explain how amazing this is ! Okay its 01:30 am and this has took me hours to write so I'm just going to get on with it !

The boy tilted his head and smiled in amusement at my curiosity.

"Come" he spoke clearly
"I'll show you" he continued, jumping down from the branch, extending his hand.

I linger my eyes on his palms before hesitantly taking it, helping myself down.
I thanked him with a grateful smile.

The smile was returned by the boy and he quickly led me out of the woods.

"You better not run" Newt laughed

"I promised. Didn't I ?" I replied

As the oh finally brushed away the last branch, he ushered me through with his hand firmly on my lower back.

Once we were out of the woods, all heads snapped in my direction and nothing but the sound of the wind rustling the leaves could be heard.

The silence quickly broke when an unfamiliar raised voice spoke.

"Right boys that's enough ! Council meeting in 10 minutes sharp to discuss what we are going to do with the new greenie ! Until then, back to work ."

No one moved

"Anytime today !"

Immediately everyone drifted off to different huts and farms. All except me, Newt and this older boy.

The older boy was tall, little to no hair, dark skinned and looked quite a few years older than me - He was probably around 19

"Hey greenie, I'm Alby, first in command . And you are ?"
He spoke while confidently walking in my direction

I remained silent, intimidated by the boy.
Newt responded before i even had the chance to

" she... she can't remember"

I scowled at Newt's statement, but only so he could see. He noticed my confusion and gave me a look, obviously trying to tell me to go with it.

I turned back to the boy trying not to look too suspicious.

"Hmmm ... I see" Alby responded
"Newt, a word ?" He continued

"Oh, yeh sure !" Newt turned to me
"I'll be right back, just stay here"

"Oh uh okay"

Newt quickly limped, following Alby towards some hut. I was considering looking around but my thoughts were interrupted by a small voice.

"Hey greenie !" A child-like voice yelled

I looked around unable to find the face belonging to the young boy.

"Up here !" The voice giggled

I quickly leaned my head back and came face to face with a 12 ish year old looking, curly haired boy, swinging upside down off of a branch.

His innocent smile brought me comfort

"Hey" i replied softly

The boy jumped down with ease before brushing himself down and extending his hand

"I'm Chuck - Welcome to the glade"

"The glade?" I asked shaking his small chubby hand.

"Oh, so you haven't had the tour yet?"
He asked

I shook my head " No but Newt was supposed to but Alby, i think his name was, said he needed to speak with him"

" I wouldn't mind stepping in if you would like ?" The boy turned scarlet red

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