The Bombfire ( chapter 7 )

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A/N:2 chapters in 2 days ? Who am i ? I just want to thank my new readers the for the comments and follows it has given me so much motivation to keep me going . Thank you so much


I opened the trunk desperate to get changed out of these clothes I've been in for god know how long

"Shorts, shorts and shorts - great"

"OOOH JEANS " i squealed

They were light washed and ripped and fit loosely but comfortable . I paired them with a black T-shirt and brushed my (h/c) hair into a high ponytail and left the homestead

The glade at night was actually quite pretty. The stars added dim light and the moon reflected off of the gladers faces allowing me to find Newt

He quickly jogged towards me once he saw me looking at him

"Cmon you don't want to miss this"

He led me over t a unlit fire pit and passed me a stick lighting it itch a torch

About 10 of us stood in a circle ready to light the bonfire

"Ready?" Shouted Alby

" 1 ... 2 .. 3 !" Gally counted

On 3 we all threw in our tour he's making flames fly

I stood there zoning out thinking over on everything that happened today.
I was still so clueless and very to to this all yet it seemed as i was already so welcome ( by most at least )

I snapped back to reality when someone appeared next to me

"Y/N ... right? " the boy spoke

"Huh... oh ... yeh ... hi?" I turned to see a brunette with brown eyes standing to the left of me.

"I'm Thomas "

his name sounded familiar . To be honest everything about him did but his name . I couldn't put my finger on where i knew it from

"Nice to meet you . I would introduce myself but everyone here to know as much about me as i do anyways " I said sighing

"Yeh i get that ... at least you knew your name . Took the rest of the boys days to know theirs" he said reassuringly

"And you?" I questioned

"Well i was the newbie until you two came up - took me all day"

"Two?" I said confused

"Yeh you and that other girl" Thomas said with confusion

"Oh my gosh - i was so caught up with everything today i completely forgot forgot about her" i felt so guilty - she was in the same position as me

Thomas put a hand on my shoulder

"Hey it's okay. You're just overwhelmed . She hasn't woken up yet anyway "

"How is she" i said concerned about the girl i left

"Erm I'm not too sure. Newt will know"

As he spoke the Brit emerged carrying two jars of the same drink that Thomas was holding

"Speak of the devil " Thomas put his his arm around Newt's shoulder

Newt handed me a jar and took a swig of his

" I'm going to help frypan with quality control on the new bbq ribs. If you need me I'll be there." Thomas said, walking away

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2021 ⏰

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