Newt's Blade ( Chapter 4 )

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A/N: hey guys just want to quickly say thank you so much for all the reads and comments it gets me so excited every time i get a notification. Anyways i wont keep you too long as this chapter has taken me like 9 hours so ima get straight to it:

My head throbbed and my eyelashes fluttered open slowly.

I quickly reminded myself of what had previously happened.
My thoughts were blocked with other:
" Where am I ?"
" How did I get here ? "
" How long was I out for ? " my mind questioned itself.

All I knew was that I was now in a wooden hut ( probably one of the ones i saw earlier ) and was laid in a cot-bed thing.
Light poured through the window gaps in the well structured hut.I attempt to shield my eyes with my arm but I couldn't. I looked down at my still laid body and i was strapped down, unable to move properly by what seemed to be ... belts?

I squirm head to toe for a few minutes trying to loosen the tightness on my wrists, ankles and waist but no luck.
I immediately turn my head to the side,facing the bedside table looking for something, anything to help me out of my current situation.

My eyes scan the surface but fail to find anything useful. Before i was about to turn back, i see something silver reflect off the sun beaming through the window.

I stretch out my right arm, my fingertips grazing the cool metal.
I try to lean my torso against the belts strapping me down, trying to gain further reach to the shiny object. " Yess! " I couldn't help but whisper to myself in victory. I grasp the handle of whatever the object i found was. I pull it close to my face, inspecting it closely, the knife was small, sharp with a wooden handle. It was engraved with a word. " Newt " i mumbled.

I quickly snapped myself out of my trail of thoughts shaking my head. I had to get myself free. I flip the knife so the blade is resting on the lather strap ,that is holding down my wrist, quickly slicing through it cleanly.

I swiftly move onto my left wrist causing the belt to do the same as my right.
After that, I gently place down the knife, trying not to be loud, in fear of being caught.

Using both my hands, I quickly untie the strap around my waist and do the same to my ankles.

As soon as my body was free, I swung both legs off the cot, landing my boots onto the dirt with a quiet thud.

Once i was on my feet, I ran to the exit. I came to a stop, fearing I was lost. I shot my head, left, right. I decide to continue forward, still looking for a door, I bump into something and stumble back slightly. I soon raise my head to look at the thing or person that had made me come to a stop.

It was that Asian boy from earlier - Minho I think I heard someone call him.

The tall boy stood with his arms crossed and his dark eyes peered down at me.

" I'm sorry greenie " I heard heard him mumble before the teen slung me over his right shoulder and carried me over to a metal chair, In the same room as before, gently sitting me down and tying me up to it.

Once the boy was done, he planted a smug smile on his face - pleased with his work and left the room.

After he left, I looked around for the second time but this time the knife was out of reach and there was no escaping.

Half an hour passed and no one came in.

Another five minutes or so go bye and suddenly two people came in.

I raise my head so I can see the boys who probably are to blame for having me tied up here and came face to face with the blonde Brit from earlier, looking pretty guilty and also the same Asian boy who strapped me to this uncomfortable scrap of metal.

They both stared at me, I assume waiting for me to break the silence. But before i could, the Brit did:

" Promise not to run into that opening again? "

I nodded in response.

The blonde boy hesitantly walked behind me untying my hands and waist before walking in front of me and doing the same to my ankles.

As he finished up untying the last knot, he stood back, next to the other boy and put his hands at his sides, waiting for me to stand.

I stayed seated, planning my next move , until i saw the blade from earlier.

I quickly ran and grabbed its wooden handle, pointing it towards the two teens.
They threw their hands up and widened their eyes at my sudden move and let me pass.

Knowing my promise, I chose not to go to the opening. However, they never said anything about the woods.

As soon as I had ran out of the hut, the woods was straight ahead.
I started to run, hearing a boy shouting to the other "Damnit Newt"

"Newt ... " I thought "That must be the Brit's name."

I continued my sprint towards the trees, hoping i could hide there for a while.
Suddenly, I was tackled to the ground, my hands pinned above me.

I look up at the face of the boy who just shoved down.

He had short blonde hair, green eyes and extremely arched eyebrows.

I quickly flip the boy over, straddling him and slash him, below his left shoulder.
The teen whinced in pain and I jumped to my feet, continuing my journey.

I finally enter the forest running to a tall, easy climbable tree and quickly make my way to a high branch, propping myself up against its trunk.

"I think she went this way" I heard a voice announce. My eyes, that I didn't even realise were closed, shot open at the sudden shout.

I slowly peered my head around the thick trunk but immediately pulled back, thinking someone had spotted me.

" I don't even know why we are looking for her! She'll probably end up being killed by grievers anyways "

I let out a gasp at his words

"Oh shut up Gally, your scaring her" The British boy spoke

I once again peered my head around the trunk but this time I didn't pull back, there was no point, all of them saw me.

I just stayed there - like an idiot, wide eyed, not knowing what to do.

"Boys, go back to work. I'll talk to her"

The group let out groans and complaints but all scattered off in their own directions, leaving just the two of us.

"So are you going to come down or ... ?"
The blonde boy questioned.

I didn't respond.

" I guess I'm coming up then. "
The boy mumbled.

My eyes widened and jaw dropped as the boy scaled the tree up to the branch where I perched.

He propped himself up on the branch next to me.

I broke the silence for once and spoke for the first time.
" I guess this is yours? " I said, holding out the blade with the engraved name.

He looked surprised at my words at first but his expression soon faded into a friendly smile as he took the blade and placed it gently beside him.

"Thank you .... I'm Newt .... But i guess you knew that"
I laughed at his fail at making conversation.

"Do you remember your name? "
Newt questioned

"Yes, ... why wouldn't I ?" Curiosity filled me.

" Well ? ... What is it ? "
He questioned me with a push

I hesitated trying to put my thoughts into words

" I ... I don't know if I trust you with it yet. "

He let out a small breathy laugh and smirked at me.

"So ... " I continued "You gonna tell me where the hell i am? "

A/N: I'm not gonna force you to read a massive paragraph because I'm exhausted but i hope you enjoyed this as it took me ages . Until next time!

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