Do You Love Him?

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"I love you! Jughead I chose you, I wanna be with you." Betty said, reaching out to grab his hands.

Jughead ripped his hands away from hers in disgust. "Then why would you do this? Why-Jesus, I can't believe this-"

"Jug-" tears threatened to spill down Betty's face.

"All this time, you were waiting for him to love you back."

"That's not true-"

"It isn't? Really?"

"Yes! The kiss was an accident, I-I love you." Betty said frantically.

"Clearly not Betty! Fuck. You know, I always, always worried I was just your rebound-"


"And you always told me I wasn't, and-and that you were over him-"

"You weren't a-"

"But I was right. You're always gonna be waiting for him. I never stood a chance." He spat out.

"That's not true! I wasn't waiting for Archie, I love you. It was just a mistake-"

"I should known," Jughead said darkly, "Fuck. When you kissed for the first fucking time I should've realized-"

"That wasn't-"

"Wasn't what? As good as kissing him this time?" He said sarcastically.


"Do you love him?"


"Say it."

"I-I love you." She said weakly.

"Stop saying that. You don't do this to people you love." He said sadly.

"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry, I never wanted to hurt you, or Veronica. It was just-"

"Save it. I really don't wanna hear about why you kissed Archie. Just-"


"I'm asking you now, do you love him?"

Betty opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out.

"Right." Jughead said, voice cracking, "have a nice life."

With that, he turned and left, leaving her sat on the edge of what used to be their bed in despair.
-hey guys! This is just a quick little Drabble of how I imagine the (inevitable) bughead breakup going.
- I really hope it ends with Jughead asking Betty if she loves Archie, and her not responding. The angst!
-sorry this isn't exactly full of barchie, but i had this idea since the musical episode and I just decided to get written it down

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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