Chapter One

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'Ello to everyone reading this! I wanted to give you all an "immersive" read. For each chapter, I will try to attach a video of sound effects to be in the background. Now, I am not extremely familiar with Wattpad, but if you can play a video and read, feel free to do that! If you would rather have silence, that's fine too. This video is 10 hours long; please stop it or whatever if you finish. Anyway, thanks for reading this! I hope you enjoy! :)

       The tents were getting pitched in the rain; workers pushing through for their minimal pay. Every now and then, a break would happen, the members of the caravan seeking shelter under one of the many tents; wringing out water from skirts and rubbing numb hands together to get circulation to return. Under a certain tent stood a tall young woman, her red hair messily wound onto the top of her head. She shivered in the thin layers she owned, watching as a new group of workers scurried out into the downpour once more, scattering like ants to finish one more tent. She was about to join in the mad rush when:

       "Anne!" A familier French voice called out. The woman, Anne, turned over her shoulder to find her half-brother running (as well as a crippled boy could) towards her, soaking wet with the freezing rain. He was trailed by a boy with blond hair who held his jacket over his head.

       "Jerry!" Anne called out, rushing to greet her brother. "Cole!" She opened her arms to accept both boys into a warm embrace. "How was town?" She asked, eyes glimmering with hope. Jerry and Cole shared a sad look before looking at the redhead. Her smile faltered before returning, grabbing their hands and leading them to the other side of the tent. "It's okay. People will come; I just know it." Her pale hand squeezed the two freezing ones of the men.

       "Oh, how I wish to have your optimism." Cole laughed. He smiled once more before leaving the dryness of the red and white striped tarp into the downpour to help set up the interior of the tents. Jerry stood with his sister, too young to lift all of the bleachers. He was sometimes used for tying up ropes and high wire, being small and young. Most of the time, he cared for the animals.

       "Do you really think people will come?" He asked after a few beats of silence. The woman looked down at her 12-year-old brother. She gave a smile and nodded.

       "They will come from all around the world." She crouched down so that she was level with her brother. "They will come from far and wide to see there greatest show on earth. They will come to look at your animals and gasp in awe." Jerry smiled, hugging Anne once more. Anne returned, holding on tight. "Now, go see if Matthew needs help with Ella." Jerry nodded and limped off quickly. Anne looked at the splint once more, frowning now. After the accident, her family was in need of money. Being an orphan, they didn't have much in the first place. Matthew and Marilla both looked in vain for jobs and eventually stumbled upon the Lacroix and Stacy Caravan for Misfits and Freaks. That's how Anne and her family have been supporting themselves for the past 7 years. Traveling around and preforming. Anne enjoyed it, being an acrobat gave her the chance to fly. A dream she's had since she was small. She looked nervously over her shoulder as the workers worked in vain to keep the center pole straight. She winced as a crash was heard.

       "Ane." A toddler cooed, tears spilling down her face.

       "Dellie!" Anne cried, lifting up Delphine, Sebastian and Mary's daughter. Sebastian, Bash, was the main owner of the show. His wife cared for the food and housing most times. Muriel Stacy shared the other name in the show. She spent more time teaching the children of the performers. Delphine however, during set ups and tear downs was left in the care of Marilla; Anne's mother. Anne had also taken up the responsibility, loving kids. "What are you doing here?" Anne asked, smiling as she rested the girl on her hip. Using her other hand, she unwrapped her shawl and placed it over the small form of the girl.

       "Gemma mean." Delphine totted. Anne laughed, proceeding to look around for her mother. The rain was clearing up now, staying at a bearable drizzle. She could now hear some conversation going on inside the tents. 

       "Come on, Dellie. Let's go find Gemma." Anne said with a tired smile. "She must be worried." Anne then braved the rain, looking for her mother.

       Meanwhile, across the street, in a warm house a young man sat at his desk, reading over his medical novels. He sat with his sleeves rolled up and tie loosened. Every now and then he would glance outside his window and watch the circus set up. He wasn't sure what all the fuss was about, not seeing much of anything to do with the whole freak show. Anyone who went was out of their mind. He grumbled once more, rubbing his aching eyes.

       "Gilbert!" The young man's mother called up. "It's time for lights out. You have a very busy day ahead of you!" She said, followed by the sound of her walking away. Gilbert groaned, closing the text he was reading. He stacked them, then stood, undressing. He unbuttoned his shirt and took off his suspenders. Pulling on a nightshirt, he undid his belt. Placing his clothes in the hamper and took off his pants, changing them into cotton shorts. He walked back over to his desk and turned off the desk lamp. His room plunged into darkness, minus the lights from the streets. As he made his way over to his bed, her glanced out the window again, seeing the rain was letting up. He nearly stopped breathing when he made eye contact with a beautiful woman. She stood with a woman, about her age. Both had their hair up, one with raven black and the other a fire-y red.

       "Goodnight, Gilbert." His father shouted up, snapping him out of his trance with the redhead.

       "Yeah...night." Gilbert responded, turning back to the window. He blinked hard, shocked that both girls were gone. "I'm seeing things." Gilbert sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and walking over to his bed. He lay down and immediately fell into a restless sleep.

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