Chapter Three

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      "This is a nice office." Cole mused, lifting a small bauble off of a shelf. Anne had to agree, looking at the neatness surrounding them. It was homely, plants and small trinkets that tied it all together in a chaotic way. It was a good chaotic as it reminded Anne of her old room. She wiped her feet on the mat, Cole doing the same.

       "Dr. Ward does have an eccentric taste in décor." Winifred stated, walking further into the office.

       "Should we follow you?" Anne asked, watching as she disappeared behind a wall. The curly haired blond looked over her shoulder; seeming to ponder weather or not to lead them to the private offices.

       "No," She said after awhile. She smiled, turning on her foot into a different hallway. "But you can follow me to your room." Anne and Cole shared a look before turning down the hallway Winifred walked through. She led them to a room that consisted of bright white sheets and oak accents. It was very sterile and relatively bland compared to the waiting room. "I'll return with a doctor, promise." She smiled, turning and walking out.

       "I like her." Anne stated, sitting on the bed. She winced as her hands scrapped the stiff sheets, but ignored the pain otherwise. Cole nodded, leaning against a wall.

       "I do as well." He agreed. He stared at his hands, looking at the callouses after years of woodworking and painting, as well as preforming on the ground with some clowns. Cole was a set builder and "make-up" artist for the circus. He was performance shy, only stepping into the ring when they were short a person. He had quickly become Anne's best friend; other than Diana of course. Cole had been in the caravan as long as the raven haired girl; having been kicked out for being a homosexual. He was welcomed with open arms and free to express himself. He had adopted Anne and Jerry as his own kin, and they reciprocated.

       "Think these guys can heal my hands?" Anne asked quietly. Cole had known her enough to net lie, nor confront her about her fears. He simply looked at her before giving a small shrug, unsure of how else to tell her that there was a stand of doubt in his mind; and Anne surely picked up on it. She kept quiet however, saving any emotion for after the diagnosis.

       "Gil?" A cheery voice called approaching his office door. The curly haired brunette inside sighed, smiling however as the blond face appeared. "Hello!" She greeted, walking over to place her hands on his shoulders, looking over his head at his papers.

       "Good afternoon, Winnie." Gilbert said tiredly. He rubbed his eyes before standing to properly greet his...girlfriend? Neither were entirely sure what their relationship was; despite the fact they had been courting for about a year. The two had known each other forever and a day, apparently promised since birth. Their relationship had small shows of affection and romantic touches, but never grew more passionate than that. Winifred had accepted that fact, Gilbert had yet to.

       "Are you up to looking at some patients?" She asked, grabbing his hands and smiling at him. "I brought one for you." She sang, swinging their joined hands some. Gilbert's eyes widened at the thought of actually treating someone. Normally, Dr. Ward did that; Gilbert would shadow him.

        "Really?" He exclaimed, he felt happiness flare beneath his skin, pulsating. Winifred nodded, smiling wide as she pressed a kiss to his cheek.

       "It's nothing major." She admitted. "Just a girl, with an impeccable sense of fashion, with scrapped hands." She noticed how Gilbert's face fell, but her still nodded. "Alright, follow me." She whispered, leading him to the room that held Anne and Cole. Gilbert was thinking through everything that might be wrong as he walked into the room, stopping when he saw the redhead on the bed. His mind was a whirlwind of thought, rushing back to the week before. He was suddenly standing in his room, looking out his window at a girl with firey red hair. It was raining and there was...

       "I'm Anne." The voice cut him out of the dream. He looked at the redhead then the two blonds. He shook his head slightly before offering a hand.

       "Gilbert Blythe." He introduced. The girl held out her hand, showing him the burns causing him to flush some. This is awkward. He thought, clearing his throat.

       "Right." Winifred's voice cut through the tension. "Anyway, Gil may not be a full doctor yet, but he's close enough to help with those burns." She promised.

       "May I ask how you got those burns?" Gilbert asked, walking over to the shelves of medications and salves.

       "None of your business." Anne's voice said quickly, at the same time the blond man said "Tricks."

       "Sorry, I'm Cole." The blond said, shaking Gilbert's hand when he turned around. "I'm Anne's escort. She tends to wander without them."

       "Cole!" Anne chastised, blushing as the entire room burst out into laughs.

       "It's alright." Winifred promised. "I tend to get lost in my thoughts as well." Anne smiled a small smile at the woman before turning to the "doctor".

       "What tricks?" Gilbert asked, looking at her hands and rubbing salves on them.

       "I'm a high bar acrobat with the Lacroix & Stacy Caravan for the Misfits and Freaks." Anne said, glaring at Cole.

       "Oh, the circus that's in town?" Winifred exclaimed excitedly. "Now we have to go, Gil!" She squealed.

       "You should!" Cole said, excited to talk about something he adored. "You'll get to see Anne's act and it's so cool!" Winifred rushed over to Cole, trying to get everything from him, but Cole, ever the actor told Winifred just enough to make her eyes wide with wonder. Gilbert stood, standing next to Anne as he watched Winifred's wide eyes.

       "You going to go?" Anne asked, leaning back.

       "Now?" Gilbert asked with a smile. "Yes." He said with a nod. "I want to see how much I should charge for this amazing acrobatic routine." He joked. Anne narrowed her gaze, before holding out a hand.

       "Tell me, Doctor Blythe, are you a betting man?" Gilbert raised an eyebrow, looking at the redhead.

       "Depends on what I'm betting on."

       "If my routine is flawless and 'amazes' you, I don't have to pay a cent."


       "If I don't impress you, I'll pay in full." Gilbert rolled the bet around before shaking her hand.

       "You're on." He said with a smile. "Carrots."

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