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As the family sat around the table Allegro couldn't help but grin. Greece was beside him, the love of his life and mother of his children. Adriano-Brio came bounding up to him.

"Daddy!" The child grinned at his father which made Allegro smile.

"My boy," he kissed his son's forehead.

Greece smiled at them as Adriano reached towards his younger sister, the four year old Greece was holding.

"Let me kiss her!" Adriano said.

Greece relented smiling at her children and Allegro felt immense joy in watching the exchange before leaning over and kissing Greece himself.

"Il mio amore," (my love) Allegro said softly, before kissing her again which made Adriano gag.

The young child squirmed from in his arms before he was put down and ran towards his toys in the living room. Allegro grinned as Greece entwined their hands.

"We did good didn't we," She said.

Allegro grinned, "Yeah we did,"

Greece couldn't help but express the love she had for her husband through her eyes. Eyes she would never tire of waking up next to every morning and eyes she would love forever. The love she had her family was much the same as the everyone seemed to file into the main living area.

Arturo clasped his hand over Dallas's shoulder as he looked on at Alonso his oldest son and two year old twin boys playing with Adriano among the pile of toys. Arturo smiled when Dallas leaned over and kissed his nose, "Have I told you I love you this morning?" She asked.

"You did but I wouldn't mind hearing it again," he said cheekily.

"Greedy, aren't you?" She giggled, "I love you,"

Arturo grinned, "I love you too, il mio cuore," (my heart)

As Dallas nestled into Arturo's shoulder she couldn't help but think of how much her life had changed over the years. How much it had changed for the better, all thanks to the man beside her and his family whom she loved a thousand times over. She wouldn't trade anything for the world, not even when bullets flew because she knew she wasn't alone, she was never alone anyway, the kids made sure of that.

Dallas smiled.

Alessando walked into the room with Elia holding his hand, "Daddy?" His daughter said, "Can I go play now?" She asked.

Alessando nodded, "Of course flower,"

"Will mummy, papa and Franco be down soon?" Alessando nodded as she ran ahead.

Alessando grinned when the pieces of his heart made their way into the room, their eyes seemed to light up whenever they looked a each other and Alessando was thankful they hadn't lost it over the years. He loved these two with so much of his heart he wouldn't change anything ever. They'd given him a bigger family and Alessando would always be grateful.

"Daddy!" Franco ran up to him arms extended wanted to be lifted, "Where's Elia?" He asked.

"She's playing," he answered, kissing his son.

Moments later Franco was wriggling out of his grip to go in search of his twin, those two were inseparable and he wouldn't have wanted it any other way as Elliot saddled up beside him resting his hand on his shoulder.

Elliot looked towards his children who were playing amongst their cousins and smiled. He had that— a family. A real family, that stuck by each other through thick and thin, two people who loved him with all their heart and he couldn't be happier. He knew his biological family was up there somewhere looking down on him and feeling every bit of happiness that Elliot was feeling in his life, every single bit because it was deserved and he would never forget to be thankful for all he'd received.

He looked up at Alessando and smiled, a soft smile that Alessando returned before giving him a kiss.

"I love you," Elliot whispered quietly, "I love both of you so much," he whispered just as Laya inserted herself in their embrace.

Laya had been at the gym, she had a job tomorrow that herself and Allegro were going to take care of, so she had been practicing. Although she went to the gym every day Laya knew she could never stop practicing, her aim definitely needed to be on point tomorrow, clean kills, that was her goal. But her thoughts were taken away from her by Elliot's words and she smiled hugging them.

"I love you too," she said softly.

She kissed them quickly before turning her attention to her daughter who was now running towards her.

"Mummy! Come play with me,"

Laya giggled before following her daughter as she sent a smile to both Alessando and Elliot who were grinning to themselves. She loved those two so much and knew in her heart that it was fate, it had to be. It had shined down on her and given her the best family ever as she stared at the room filled with people she would never tire of.

Rome hugged her daughter Anjelina to her hip as she stood at the foot of the stairs, Alejandro with a supportive arm around her waist as the couple joined everyone in the living room. Anjelina was only a toddler that couldn't yet play with the rest of her cousins but at the sight of her Adriano, Allegro and Greece's eldest ran over to her.

"Aunty Rome please please can I hold her?" He asked.

"Of course sweetheart."

Adriano sat down eagerly waiting for the baby to be placed in his arms. Rome watched as the child cooed at Anjelina and she smiled when Alejandro stepped up beside her.

"He's good with her," he murmured in her ear.

Rome nodded when Adriano kissed Anjelina's cheeks before handing her back. Rome watched the children play as she gave Anjelina to her husband who cooed at his daughter before kissing her cheek. It was funny really, Alejandro hadn't changed much, he was still brooding and stoic but Rome knew him as the man she loved, who loved her, the man who loved her daughter and his family with everything he had.

Her husband, the love of her life.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too, il mio tesoro," (my treasure) he answered.

Rome leaned against his shoulder, taking the support he offered her as Greece patted a seat on the sofa for them. Rome dragged Alejandro over before making small talk with Greece. Rome looked over the faces, still at times unable to comprehend that this was her family. That all these people loved her.

Alejandro smiled at the woman he loved. The woman who brought the light back into his eyes. The woman whom loved him. If you'd asked him what he saw in his future, this would have never been what he'd had said, quite frankly, he thought he'd be alone for the rest of his life but that wasn't the case. He'd found love in his wife and his daughter. This beautiful pair he was blessed with that was soon to be joined by a third soon when the adoption agency reached back out to them. Alejandro woke up with new resolve everyday to take care of his family, it drove him and as he took a look around the room. His gaze settling on his brother's, their partners, his nieces and nephews he couldn't be anything but thankful.

The room was filled with lively talk, the Martini's all of them gathered in a room together, a Mafia family for the history books, for those who were fortunate enough to meet them and live to tell the tale, the Martini's had been given a nickname, from their constant use of black suits and the love they held for each other, a love no one could replace.

They would forever be known as

Dangerous In Black.

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