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Alejandro shouldn't have yelled at her, but he'd just been so angry, furious at Sai for the way he'd treated his Rome, his tesoro (treasure) and he was angry at the way Rome phrased it, 'discipline' was the word she used but it wasn't discipline; it was child abuse. Abuse Alejandro wished he'd saved her from years ago, but he hadn't and she had been alone for a long time. Made to take care of herself and heal her wounds her father had caused.

Alejandro couldn't stand to think about it and so he'd yelled at her and she'd walked into the bathroom and when she came back out, didn't even spare him a glance. He wanted to apologize, pull her against his chest and tell her she had nothing to worry about because she was with him now and he would never let anything hurt her ever again but instead, he did nothing but fell asleep silent on the other side of the bed.

The next morning when Alejandro had opened his eyes, Rome was gone. Alejandro narrowed his eyes, whenever she woke up before him, she always kissed his forehead, to let him know she was going downstairs, today she hadn't done that. Alejandro suddenly grew worried as he sat up on his bed and quickly changed into sweats and a t-shirt before walking downstairs. As he opened the door to the kitchen, he saw Rome's slender frame turned towards the sink as she stood beside Allegro.

Alejandro let his gaze wonder around the room and he noticed the glares he was receiving from Greece, Dallas and Laya, even his nephews, just as Rome turned around and noticed his tall frame, her gaze shifted to Laya who stood up quickly, "I think we're going to relax by the pool, yeah?"

At that, the women made their way out as Dallas' brown eyes narrowed silently telling Alejandro to move as they huddled Rome out of the room. Alejandro could do nothing as they left and as soon as they were earshot, Arturo stifled a laugh, and Elliot approached him flicking him on the forehead.

"Hey what the fuck!" He yelled.

"That was for yelling at Rome!" Elliot murmured.

"I— I ...... what the hell just happened?" Alejandro asked.

"Well for starters, more than half the house is pissed at you," Allegro chuckled.

"— because I yelled?"

"You don't yell, dude, I learnt that lesson the hard way after seeing Dallas burst into tears on command afterwards," Arturo said.

"I didn't mean too, I was just so angry,"

"Did you apologize?" Elliot asked, his eyebrows raised.

"I didn't get the chance si—"

Alessando cut him off, "Such a dumbass," he shook his head at Alejandro, "Dude you always apologize as soon as it happens, do you know nothing!"

Alejandro opened his mouth but was only cut off again by Arturo, "C'mon, you've been observing us for years now, why the fuck don't you know this!"

Alejandro looked at Allegro for help but his older brother only shrugged, "They're right,"

Alejandro groaned, "How upset is she?" He asked.

"Out of ten?" Alessando asked, "I'd say infinity,"

Alejandro sighed, "Did you guys hear what she said?"

"My lips are sealed," Allegro said.

"So are mine." Arturo shrugged.

Alejandro looked at them, mouth agape, "You can't be serious!"

Alejandro looked towards Elliot, his best friend, "Sorry, sworn to secrecy,"

"I hate you all," Alejandro grumbled, "—so what would I do?" He asked.

"Apologize!" They all yelled.

Alejandro nervously made his way towards the girls, who as they said were chatting by the pool. At his approach, Greece gave him a look of appraisal before helping Laya stand up and soon Dallas was walking away as well.

"Give him hell Rome!" Greece called out.

"Make him grovel!" Dallas yelled afterwards.

Alejandro stood behind Rome who's back was to him before he spoke gently to her, "Il mio tesoro," (my treasure) "Will you please look at me?" He asked.

"I'm listening," was her answer.

He sighed, "I'm so sorry for the way I acted last night, I had no right to yell at you after you answered a question I wanted the answer to and helped me treat my shoulder."

There was silence.

"Please forgive me," he begged.

He heard Rome hum, "I'm supposed to make you grovel but I don't exactly know how to do that so you're forgiven,"

His back was still to him and he was thankful she didn't see him let out a sigh.

"Can I hug you now?" He asked.

"No." She snapped.

Alejandro bit the inside of his cheek, "Okay, can I at least see your face?" He asked.

"Rome?" He asked when she didn't answer.

"I'm thinking about it." She murmured.

"At eleven twenty two, (11:22) you can hug me again." She said finally.

Alejandro checked his watch and smiled, it was eleven twenty, (11:20). However, who knew two minutes could so agonizing and as soon as the clock hit he lunched himself at her and wrapped her in his arms. She turned to face him and placed her head in his chest.

"I don't usually hold grudges," she said softly, "but everyone likes seeing you squirm, so I agreed," she giggled.

Alejandro rolled his eyes, of course his family was behind this, traitors.

Rome was smiling and Alejandro realized she was closer to him than she'd ever been before and suddenly his gaze settled on her lips, Rome seemed to having similar thoughts as her cheeks went crimson and Alejandro closed the gap between them. The kiss was soft as their lips moved in sync with one another, Alejandro could tell Rome was a bit inexperienced but that only encouraged him as he kissed her more fervently.

His tongue licking her bottom lip asking for entrance, which she unknowingly did when she gasped. Slowly, his tongue met hers, teasing as she got the hang of it and he pulled away slowly, his eyes opening to catch her dazed expression, her lips, plump from his kissing and he felt oddly attracted to it. He smiled catching her lips again and giving her a peck to which she smiled into.

"That was my first kiss," she whispered excitedly.

First and last Alejandro thought, first and last.

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