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Alejandro sat at his desk with Allegro who was only a few feet away from him looking over paperwork. The pair had fallen behind in that regard and choose today to make up for it. Alejandro wanted to groan, why hadn't he been up to date with this! He knew the reason was a pretty green eyed girl that was probably eating lunch right now but he couldn't bring himself to get angry, only annoyed that his paper work hadn't disappeared.

Alejandro looked at Allegro who also had a troubled look on his face, "Remind me never to let this get out of hand again!"

Alejandro nodded, "Agreed."

The sat together in silence, for another half an hour before Alejandro's phone rang. Quickly, he picked it up, his eyes narrowing a the unknown number.

"Hello?"  He answered.

"Alejandro Martini."

The voice sounded familiar and it only took Alejandro a second to recognize it.


"I'll skip the pleasantries, you have something of mine."

Alejandro gritted his teeth at his tone, "What are you talking about?"

Sai chuckled.

"You know what I'm talking about," his voice snapped, "I bore you no ill will after you ended our deal,"

Alejandro wanted to scoff, sure, if that's what planning to kill us means.....

"—but you chose to take my blood,"

Alejandro rolled his eyes, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Sai paused, "Return my daughter to me in one piece or there will be hell to pay!"

Alejandro noticed Allegro's frown as he quickly turned the loud speaker on.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that."

Sai cursed in Italian, "My daughter has no business being in your affairs! Why kidnap her in the first place!"

Alejandro lifted a brow, Sai believed they took Rome against her will. Alejandro hummed communicating with Allegro through his eyes before speaking.

"It's funny you thought we wouldn't find out about what you're planning. Why you hosted a function a few weeks ago,"

"Rome is obviously collateral, if you follow through with your plans, you should know better than to think we wouldn't find out that you want to kill us,"

Sai was silent, "It would seem the cat is out of the bag,"

Alejandro hummed just as his eyes met green ones as Rome stood by the doorway, her expression mirroring one Alejandro couldn't recognize as she held a tray of food in her hands and it was then he realized she must have heard him.

"Here's what's going to happen now, you call off all the plans you have now, and my family and I may be inclined to let you live."

"You cocky bastard!" Sai shouted, "How dare you undermine me! I want my daughter back now!"

When Alejandro looked up again Rome was gone.

"Fair, but she will only be returned to you when your plans end and those conspiring with you see reason especially, if they want to keep their lives."

Sai grumbled angrily, "Keep my daughter, kill her if you want but know this Alejandro, this isn't over."

The line went dead.

Alejandro shared a look with Allegro before going after Rome. He raced towards the kitchen where Arturo was seated and upon seeing his expression told him he'd seen Rome head in the direction of their room. Alejandro raced after her, only to see her stiffly packing her clothes into a bag.

"Tesoro," (treasure) he began.

"Non chiamarmi così!" (do not call me that) she said.

"What you heard— wasn't the truth," he approached her slowly.

"Y-you know how I feel about you," he stammered, "I don't smile a lot, and sometimes I may look angry at the world but never at you, you're the only thing I look forward too in my day,"

Rome was still packing her things when Alejandro took the suitcase away.

"Restituirlo!" (return it/give it back) she demanded.


"Yes." Rome countered.

"Rome, I did not go find you because I needed leverage over your father. I went looking for you because I was scared for your safety and ever since I looked into those green eyes nothing has been the same, nothing."

"You are not replaceable and those words you heard were not true, your father believed I had taken you against your will and I need him to keep thinking that so I could tell get him to open up about his plans, so I could know more."

"Well? Did it work?" She sniffled.

"More or less, he said it's not over,"

Rome spun around to face him, "That just makes matters worse, he's going to attack you!"

Alejandro shrugged, "We'll be ready for him,"

"When he asked for me back— what did you say?"

Alejandro didn't want to lie, so he told her the truth, "I bartered for your release, I told him to call off his plans and only then would you return to him,"

Rome looked away, "Let me guess, he said get rid of me— didn't he?"

Alejandro nodded.

He heard her sigh, "Okay,"

Alejandro watched as Rome nodded her head, "You know, I think I'm just going to take a shower a-and um take a n-nap."

Rome wiped her eyes with her elbow as she walked towards the bathroom and all Alejandro could do was watch her go.


A U T H O R ' S    N O T E

i anticipate this book to be shorter than the others or i could be wrong, who knows *shrugs*

hope everyone is staying safe during this time

love y'all


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