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Sleeping on the couch was his idea, Rome had offered the bed but he'd refused he wasn't going to rush into anything that could jeopardize their budding relationship because that was what Alejandro wanted out of her, a relationship; filled with love and faith, something his brothers had, that Alejandro had rejected for years. He woke up early, at six o'clock in the morning to be exact, a habit he'd allowed himself to keep and as he lifted his head he could see the small figure of his girl snuggled into his bed.

Her face buried into the pillow as her long dark hair was draped over the pillow. She looked just as gentle as she did when she was awake. Alejandro wanted to chuckle, Rome was so different to him; she was soft spoken and gentle and in Alejandro's eyes, could do no harm to anyone, it would be interesting to see how well she takes to training, while Alejandro was none of those things, he was rough around the edges and definitely had killed his fair share of people.

He went straight into the shower and came out with his hair wet. He dried it quickly before his eyes caught sight of Rome still asleep. He sighed before leaving the room and walking towards the kitchen. He made himself a cup of coffee before he heard another enter the room and he smiled at Greece. The woman gave him a look of surprise before waving, "I keep forgetting you get up early,"

He snorted, "Adriono-Brio?" He questioned.

Greece shook her head, "Oh no, he's fast asleep, ever since he was born I've grown into the habit of waking up early."

Alejandro nodded as Greece made herself a cup of coffee before she took a seat opposite him.
"Is Rome still asleep?" She asked.

He nodded, taking a moment for silence to fall over them before he spoke, "Are you surprised?" He asked.

He met her eyes to see her smiling, "Happy for you."

"Who would have thought, huh?" He shook his head, as if to be in disbelief.

"Me, I knew it would happen,"

Alejandro met Greece's blue eyes offering her a small smile, she'd taken a bullet for him, an action Alejandro still couldn't fathom after he'd been anything but nice to her and she still risked her life for him. Alejandro loved her like sister, and would protect her with everything he had; he owed her that much and through the years their relationship had blossomed and Alejandro was glad Allegro had brought her into his life.

"Greece, you are my sorella, I hope you know that," (sister)

Greece smiled, "Yes, I know."

Not too long after, Alejandro was joined by Alessando and Arturo who were joking pushing each other around. He gave them a nod good morning before Laya suddenly entered the room dressed in her workout clothes.

Alejandro noticed Alessando's narrowing gaze, "What were you doing at the gym?" He accused her.

She looked startled before she rolled her eyes, "I need to keep in shape, plus practice makes perfect,"

Arturo shook his head, "Laya, you're pregnant, you need rest. Plus I bet you could still beat Alessando any day."

This made Alejandro smirk and Alessando roll his eyes, "Just come here, la mia vita," (my life)

Laya kissed him warmly before taking a sip of her water as Elliot entered with Dallas and Alonso who was in Dallas' arms. At the sight of his father, Alonso reached towards him and Arturo took him quickly before kissing his wife. Greece come down shortly after, with Adriano-Brio waddling behind her before he gurgled at his cousin who returned his excitement upon seeing him.

Everyone had sat down to eat the pancakes Dallas had made before Alejandro noticed Rome peek her head through the door, her emerald eyes widening at them before her gaze caught Alejandro's and he nodded her over.

"Good morning," she said meekly.

Everyone smiled and answered politely as she made her way over to him. He pulled out a chair as she sat down and looked at him shyly, "How long were you for?" She asked.

"For a few hours," he answered.

She nodded, "I couldn't believe I remembered the way to the kitchen, the house is so huge!"

Suddenly Alejandro felt guilty for not waiting for her but her smile eased his guilt a bit as Allegro finally entered the room asking if anyone wanted orange juice to which Rome shyly lifted her hand. Allegro smiled at her and handed her a glass while Dallas offered her pancakes. The room was filled with lively conversation as Alejandro found his attention zeroed in on his girl who was intently listening to his family.

"il mio tesoro, are you okay?" He asked.

She hummed, "Yup,"

Alejandro watched as Allegro nodded towards him letting him know he needed to speak to him privately and quickly he excused himself and followed him out , noticing the gaze of Rome as he left. Allegro walked him towards the living room where they stood facing each other, "How's she doing?" He asked.

"She's alright," he answered, "She seems to be settling in but she's only been here a day,"

Allegro nodded, "I just wanted to check in, Sai's still looking for her and I heard from some of my sources that he hired the Moretti family to find her,"

Alejandro lifted a brow, "Ren Moretti?

Allegro nodded, "— and Fluer Müller is fully working with Sai and attempting to kill us."

"The Moretti's will know to back off when they realize she's with us," Alejandro stated.

Allegro shrugs, "We don't know how much Sai's paying them,"

Alejandro crossed his arms, true, people will do anything for money so anything was possible.

"What are you thinking?" Alejandro asked.

"I won't retaliate until Sai's shows his hand but for now, we terminate the deal we were working on but refrain from mentioning anything about Rome."

Alejandro nodded, just as Laya, Dallas, Greece and Rome exited the room and Rome sent him a small smile to which he returned as Greece walked over and kissed Allegro's cheek, "The girls and I are going by the pool,"

Allegro smiled at his wife before the ladies left and Allegro turned his attention back to Alejandro.

"Another matter, business does not stop, the four of us have a matter to take care of in a few weeks from now in Chicago," he stated, "I expect you ready by four in the morning but more details will be given later this week,"

Alejandro nodded, briefly before filling Allegro back to the rest of his brothers.

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