I'm Tired

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I'm tired of being a second thought....
I'm tired of being the fuckable but not dateable one....
I'm tired of being the one you wanna settle for....
I'm tired of being the fuckable friend for all my male friends....
I'm tired of this pain I suppress, hiding behind fake smiles and emojis....

Do I have the word WHORE written across my forehead, no, so why is that the way I am always approached....

"Why didn't he go for her instead?"
"I was going for your friend but after I saw that ass, I knew I had to talk to you"
"I really like both of y'all tbh so I can't choose"
"I haven't had any pussy in so long, just let me hit"
" You started this, not me"
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to offend you"
"You not even all that yourself"
"You too ugly to be my girl, you one of my hoes"

All these statements and more have hurt me deeply and have really made my heart grow colder and colder each day....

Simulations and daydreams keep me sane, they allow me freedom and peace from my outside world....

So many occurrences show me just how I'm perceived and it's okay. They'll look my way and snicker & that's okay....I'm the one friend that a guy will have to "take one for the team for"....I'm the "oh hell nah", the "what would you do with that" type of girl

The type of girl you wouldn't take my snap for because I was too ugly which you made aware to my bf....did you know I heard that and you wonder why I don't like you

I hide behind makeup and filters, catfishing the world because of how ugly I am

I'm done with everyone and everything.
I didn't give a fuck before and I definitely don't now

All these tears I shed aren't of sadness or pain, they're out of rage for I'll never be the one men desire for anything more than a nut

I'm tired of the lies, the deceit, the greed
I'm tired of being wanted only to fill one need

I just wanna run away sometimes, escape the pain, escape the fury and be completely happy

As many compliments as I get, you'd think I'd have a better attitude....nah

Sometimes the good outweighs the bad but in this instance the bad is that I can see

"Why don't you go talk to him"
"He's cute, that's definitely all you"

Why lie, I'd never shoot my shot because ik I'll be shot down

Yea they look good but I'll never stand a chance against any other girl so what the point

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