Chap 6, Tearful Reunion

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"Shiro," Keith whimpered as he quickly got to his feet. He let out a pain yelp as his wounds protested. He fell, strong familiar arms catching him.

"It is you," Shiro whispered before he crushed Keith's smaller body to his chest. "I thought you were dead, or worse, captured by the Galra or Government."

"I thought you were dead too," Keith whispered. "They said the mission was compromised and that you were missing."

"The Galra had me," Shiro said with a grimace.

"Oh shit," Keith said, for the first time noticing that Shiro now had a mechanical arm. "I'm glad you came out in mostly one piece."

"The thing is, I don't remember much," Shiro said. "I escaped, but that's all I remember." He paused to rub his face in Keith's grimy hair. "I'm just glad you're alive."

"And I stink," Keith said with a frown before a thought occurred to him. "Does Pidge have a collar?"

"No," Shiro said as he finally pulled back to look Keith over. "Why do you ask?"

"She said her heat's coming up," Keith said. He thumbed his own stainless steel collar. "She can have mine if you still have the key."

Shiro smiled as he pulled out a chain from under his shirt. The keys were attached to the end. "I could never get rid of them," he admitted as he moved to unlock the collar.

Keith sighed as the collar fell away. He immediately rubbed at the raw areas on his neck. "Thanks."

"Bet that feels better," Shiro said with a chuckle. "I know you're still on your heat, so after Coran cleans you up, I'm going to put the collar back on. At least until your heat is over. We do have a couple alphas in our group." Seeing Keith's pout, Shiro chuckled. "I just don't want anything bad to happen. You won't need to wear that collar once your heat is over, I promise."

"Fine," Keith sighed. "I'll hold you to your promise."

Keith blushed slightly as Shiro stared at him. Shiro must've noticed for he blinked and smiled. "Sorry," he said, voice breaking. "It's just so good to see you."

"It's good to see you too," Keith cursed as his eyes teared up. "Damn hormones."

Shiro chuckled before helping Keith back to the metal table. "Once Coran cleans you, we'll put you in a room. But for now, I'll go grab you some food. You look like you're starving."

"And water?" Keith asked hopefully, mouth parched.

"Of course," Shiro nodded. "I'll be back in a bit."

As Shiro left, Keith felt himself panic. "Shiro, wait!"

Shiro turned, a concerned frown on his face. "I won't be long," he said soothingly as he walked back over.

Keith's knees were starting to shake from fatigue. Shiro grabbed Keith under his armpits and helped him back onto the table. He then rubbed his wrists together before scenting Keith's neck glands. Keith sucked in a sharp breath, eyes slipping closed.

"I'll just be a few minutes," Shiro whispered in his greasy hair, planting a kiss there. He moved back to stare into Keith's indigo eyes. "You're safe here. And Coran is the best doctor we have. He won't hurt you."

Keith just nodded, turning his eyes to Kosmo, who was sitting in the back corner of the room. He'd be safe as long as Kosmo was there.

"Stay put," Shiro said with a chuckle, causing Keith to look over at him. Shiro had an amused smile on his face. "I know how you are." He turned to Kosmo then. "Make sure he stays in this room." The coyote barked in reply, as if he understood Shiro's command. Keith wouldn't be surprised if he did.

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