Who says I can't?

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Finally we gather the team back on the plane after Tony retrieves the sceptre. I have to give each of the team members the "They're not bad anymore!" Speech as they get on the plane, even though they know I got each of the Maximoff's their surprises faces were the best (it almost made giving the speech 700 times worth it). Tony was the worst though he still doesn't really believe them.
"Would it make you feel any better if I zapped 'em again?" I ask really emphasizing my sarcasm.
"I wouldn't mind it, Princesa" Pietro whispers in my ear from his spot beside me, low enough no one else could hear. Suddenly I'm looking at everything but anyone's eyes, trying to get the heat in my face to go away. I see Nat's smirk in the corner of my eye, saying she guessed exactly what happened, I turn to her and glare to which she responds with a wink.
I smacked him on the shoulder, still trying desperately to calm my face down, honestly I have no idea if it's working. I roll my eyes and look back so Tony.
"As much as I would like to see that. I for one don't want to carry him in." Tony reasons,
"Who says I can't?" I ask jokingly, we all bust out laughing, including Pietro himself.
"I bet you can't," he smirks down at me.
"How much you wanna bet?" I ask smirking back to show I wasn't afraid of him.
"I got nothing so.... If I win you have to kiss me." He smirks bigger in victory. That I was not expecting, my blood runs cold, my face heats up and there's nothing I can do about it.

A/N: Hey this is TheMarvelStalker73 and your watching Disney channel! (Sorry I'm cringy)

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I was busy this weekend, now you might be thinking "what could she possibly be busy with this weekend while she's stuck at home during a worldwide pandemic?" School. That's what, my teachers are okay during school, but now they kinda suck. They can't figure out how to gauge time! One week I have almost nothing school wise. The next WAY too much. Anyway sorry, but sorry the last chapter was kinda confusing at the end, I hope you find it as funny as I did. But this chapter - what is Y/N gonna do?

Word count: 289

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