Without further ado

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Since Loki "turned good" ( I put quotation marks because I know what really happened to Loki but none of them did), Tony (very) reluctantly allowed him to move into the compound. He moved in to the floor just below the one I'm on, and since then has made it his personal job to annoy the HELL out of me! Though somehow he still does not know what my power is, I have been trying g to keep it that way but this time he pushed me over the edge with his comment because I already had it up to my neck,
"What's wrong did the Speedster do something?" He doesn't care about me, he's just trying to push more buttons. That's a he's good at! (That hurt my heart to type, I'm sorry please forgive me Loki) I gave him a dose strong enough to make even an Asgardian tremble, and got up to find a new seat not at all caring where at this point. I sit down, and feel someone's breath on my ear as they whisper something in my ear,
"He's looking at you," Nat whispers, making my head shoot up to find Pietro sitting directly across from me know, and smiling proudly at me, I quickly turn my head back down to my hands like they're the most interesting thing in the world 'ooh that's amazing! Was that line there before?' to hide my blush, hoping no one saw the small interaction, the elbow in my ribs from Nat tells me she did, and Wanda too probably, since she's been pushing us sooo hard to "admit our feelings", I spare a glance at her, and know she saw it.
I have never been so thankful for Tony to start one of his parties,
"Without further ado let start with a simple one, Truth or Dare, I'll go first! Capsicle? Truth or Dare?" He asks excitedly, Steve reluctantly answers,
"Truth," he looks a bit scared if I'm being honest I almost feel bad for him, oh well better him than me. Sorry Steve. It continued on like this for a while, while only paying enough attention to know when someone would look at me, I would give them a glare that could scare off Odin. This only seems to excite Sam though, stupid boy. (Sorry Sam I still love you)
"Hmmmm... Ah (Y/N)? Truth or Dare?" I am way too tired and done to do a dare,
"Truth." I spit angrily, still glaring at him, everyone silently warning him not to test me. He sits up straighter, and...

A/N: *insert witch cackling* hahaha a cliffhanger! Sorry not sorry😜. I always listen to marvel theme music as I write these it makes me feel cool OKAY! DON'T JUDGE MEEEEEE! Jk judge me all you want I don't care, anyway this should be chap 17. Hope you like it! (Captain America Sensor)! I had something to say, now I don't remember, oh well. Love you 3000!

Word count: 432

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