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"Bella!" Edward cried. "Bella, it's important?"

"What is it dear?" Bella asked. She sent Nessie off to play before turning to face her shirtless ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) husband. 

"I have something oh so important to tell you," he said solemnly. He bowed his head and pressed the tips of his fingers together. "I," he turned ashamed;y away from her, his cheeks blazing dark grey from embarrassment and shame, "am in love," Bella gasped and her orbs glittered sadly and with unshed tears, "with another person." Edward looked at her. He ran to her and clasped her hands and kissed her tears away. Wiping her wet, dripping orbs he said, "Don't fret love! I still love you!'

"Kiss me then!" She cried and their lips met and a fire blazed between them, so hot and passionate ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and- and they pulled apart abruptly.

"What are we going to tell Renesme?" Bella asked Edward. 

"The truth," Edward said.

"oh, Eddie." Bella sighed. "How are ever we going to continue?"

to be continued, in this very chapter

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