chapter 2

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A light knock on the door pulls your attention away from the book in your hands. Harry walks in with a soft smile, causing you to put the book down and stand from your bed.

"Hi, Daddy. How are you?" A silky white nightgown covers your body in a see through fashion.

"I'm grand, Kitten. I have to go to Paris for a few days for a show, I leave tomorrow morning." You pout, which pulls a sigh from Harry, "I know, darling, I'm sorry. How about I bring you back some high quality faux fur? I'll get you a big fluffy jacket for winter, it's right around the corner."

Your pout quickly turns into a sheepish smile, "thank you. Call me every day, please." Harry pulls you into a kiss and hums against your lips.

"I will, baby. June will be around to keep you company and keep you fed." You laugh at Harry's acknowledgement of your friendship with his housekeeper. June is a 58 year old widow who lives at home with her cats. Once while Harry gone at a meeting, you helped her with laundry and she told you all about her husband's adventures in the Army. Their stories made your heart yearn for real love, but you're too stuck on Harry now to leave.

Harry is gentle with you. He's sincere, he spoils you, and he sometimes brings you chocolate covered strawberries when he's feeling romantic. Every weekend, after a session in the red room, you sit in your robes and watch movies in the media room. He feeds you and gives you wine. Sometimes he gives June the night off when he comes home early and teaches you how to cook. So far, you've watched him make chicken marsala, mushroom julienne, and quiche lorraine. He looks so good when he cooks, you can't be bothered to remember the details. Especially when he blasts opera music through the house and tries to sing along.

Sometimes he kisses you in a way that erupts your stomach in butterflies. It's different and holds less heat that his normal, hungry kisses. Sometimes his fingers linger in your hair a little bit longer than normal. Sometimes he looks at you with his eyes filled with adoration instead of lust.

Just like every other time Harry has to leave for a fashion show, you get up and greet him with a kiss in the morning before he leaves. You take advantage of the peace and quiet and end up reading through two books by lunchtime. You and June had light conversation all day, she had a particularly funny story about one of her cats climbing in the blinds of her windows. She makes you risotto milanese for dinner and gave you a motherly kiss on the forehead when she left for the night.

You're in the kitchen popping the last piece of a mandarin in your mouth when your cell phone starts ringing.

"Hi darling, miss me?" His sweet voice soothes through the speaker like cotton candy melting in your mouth.

"Always. Having fun?" You ask while washing your hands and returning to your bedroom.

"Missing that tight cunt right now, to be vulgarly honest." His statement sends a shiver down your spine and wetness to your core. "Can we have a fun chat?"

You bite your lip and lay back on your bed in nothing but a small nightgown and panties. "What did you have in mind, Daddy?"

"What do you miss about me? Give me details, baby."

"I miss your hands. The way they send heat through my body with every touch. I miss your pretty lips. Everything you do with them feels so good on my body. I miss the way you'd be bruising my body right now." His breathing is heavy on the other end. Little grunts leaving his mouth tell you that he's touching himself already.

"Go get Diamond from her box." A smirk stretches across your face and you agree, sitting up and reaching under your bed for the velvety crimson box. Diamond is what Harry named the vibrator he bought you. He said it's because you sparkle when you cum, and he knows the vibrator always makes you cum. She's a pretty bubblegum pink and shaped like a microphone with four levels of intensity. Harry always tells you what level to put her on.

"I got her." You bite your lip and slip off your panties, waiting for him to command your next move.

"Use your hand first. Get yourself nice and wet for me." Your hand flies to your core and begins rubbing circles on your bundle of nerves. "You wet for me, baby?"

"Soaked," you breathe out.

"Good girl. Level one please." His voice is strained, you can tell he's trying to fight off his orgasm until you can finish with him. You oblige and push Diamond's power button.

Soft moans leave your lips, drawing a deep groan from Harry, "how does she feel, baby?"

"Not as good as you."

"That's fucking right. Level two." Your moans are picking up volume with the increased vibration. You swipe the vibrator up and down your folds to collect wetness before settling back on your clit.

"One more level, please, Daddy."

"Not yet. Talk to me, beg for it," he grits through his teeth, his own hand picking up pace as it strokes his cock.

"Please, Harry. I want to cum so bad. Feels so good. Please."

He clicks his tongue and rasps out, "level three."

You're writhing on the sheets as the vibration increases, wetness dripping down to your bedspread.

"Your moans sound so pretty, baby. You close?"

You manage to whine out a small "mhm" and you can't stop your hips from bucking up into the toy. Harry strokes himself faster and lets out a loud moan.

"Level four. Cum for me baby," he chokes out, his toes curling into the sheets of his hotel bed.

Maximum vibration shakes your body and draws screams from your chest. You're gripping, whining, and writhing on your bed. The toy has you on the very edge and you know you'll explode any minute.

"Fuck, Daddy, I'm coming." You cry out, euphoria shoots from you hair to your toes and you're letting go. Harry follows quickly after, spilling out curses and groans as he praises you. You click off the toy and lay breathless on your bed, struggling to come down from the high.

"I bet you look ravishing right now. Always do after a climax. Did you make a mess?" Harry asks, a pool of his own mess settling on his toned stomach while he tries to catch his breath.

You look down at your bed to find a dark wet spot right under you. Groaning, you reply, "made an absolute muddle of my bedspread."

Harry tuts and huffs out a laugh, "there's a clean comforter and spare set of sheets in the top of your closet if you need them, Kitten."

"Gotcha." You try to sound as lighthearted as possible, the hurt burning inside at Harry not offering his bed. You've never been in his room. He's told you that you're not allowed on his side of the house unless invited. It's nothing personal, he says, he just has a lot of secrets and designs he doesn't want getting out.

"I have to get up and shower for a meeting, it's morning here. Goodnight, Kitten. Sleep good." You completely forgot about time zones. Harry must've woken up hard and missing you.

"Goodnight, Daddy." You smile and hand up the phone, setting it on your nightstand as you go to get a clean bedspread. Luckily, you don't have to change your sheets, but you definitely need a quick shower.

This is a typical how a night away from Harry goes, he calls you whenever he needs you the most. You answer, he asks one personal question, drives the conversation forward, and makes you cum without even being there. He always tells you goodnight or good morning, depending on when he calls.

This is just how it is.

Hiii I hope you're enjoying this if you're reading this. If you haven't, hop over and check out my Harry fic titled Stage Dive. Happy reading!!
- Kate :)

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