Part 1. ~ Something Begins

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In a sunny Friday afternoon Ivelle was sitting in the university library. She had been researching the Middle Ages for a week now, and she really wanted to finish it. It was her first year in the university, and she wanted to succeed. She looked at the clock on the wall. It was 3.30. "Shit. I'll be late." she thought. She packed her things and stormed to the door. She managed to catch the bus. After ten minutes she arrived to the bakery where she worked.

"Hi, Allan!" she stepped in and greeted her co-worker. Allan was a tall brown haired man with brown eyes. His grand-parents owned the bakery, so practically he was her boss too.

"You're late." he looked at her with a smile. "Again."

"I know. Sorry." she smiled back. She put down her backpack and stepped behind the counter.

"How was your day?" asked Allan.

"It was OK. I'm still working on that history research."

" I thought you loved history?" he raised an eyebrow.

" Oh, I do love it, but... Working on an essay for a week is a bit too much."

"Well that's how university works. But stay calm, it'll get worse." he gave her a wicked smile.

"Oh you know how to calm me down." she laughed.

"Just sayin'." He grinned. "And what are your plans for the weekend?"

"I don't know. I don't really have friends here in London, so I guess, I'll just stay home and watch Netflix. What about you?"

"Erm... I don't know yet. Some of my friends are planning a party. Maybe I'll go."

"Sounds great." Ivelle was a bit jelous. She wished she had friends like Allan had. They always planned things and went out.

"Maybe you could come with me..."

"Erm... I don't think it's a good idea. I mean, you're literally my boss..."

"Come on. Just two friends participating in a party, there's nothing wrong about it."

"Oookaay. I'll think about it."

"Okay." Allan smiled at her, and at that very moment a costumer stepped into the bakery. Ivelle looked at him. He was a tall man with grey hair and black eyes. He was around 65. He wore a long black leather coat with black leather pants, and a black t-shirt. For a few moments he was just standing in the doorway.

"Sir, can I help you?" asked Allan, and examined the stranger cautiously.

"Yeah." he had a scratchy voice and a strange accent "I think, that I got lost. Maybe you could help me." his gaze wandered to Ivelle.

"Sure. Do you have a map?"

"No." He was still looking at Ivelle.

"Okay. Where were you going?"

"Temple District."

"Right." Allan put his phone out of his pocket. He opened the map and showed the way to the stranger.

"Thank you." He stared at Ivelle for a few second, then turned around and walked away.

"Well... That was strange." Ivelle broke the silence.

"Indeed." Allan looked at her. "Maybe we shoul get back to work..."

"Agreed." Ivelle nodded.

The rest of the afternoon was quiet. They had a few costumer, but that's all. At 7 they put out the "closed" sign. Ivelle put on her coat and said goodbye to Allan. She went to the bus stop. While she was waiting she had that strange feeling that someone was watching her. Carefully she looked around but she could see noone. For her relief an old woman and a man - maybe his son or grandson- came to the bus stop. "I'm getting paranoid. I shouldn't watch that much TV." Finally the bus arrived. She got on, and sat down.

It took her 20 minutes to get home. She entered her flat. It was silent. "Maybe grandma is already asleep." she thought. As silent as she could she went to her room. She opened the door when she heard a noise and then a voice.

"Elle, darling, is that you?"

"Yes, Gran, it's me." she started looking for her pijamas.

"How was your day?"

"It was okay. I've nearly finished my research. "

"Your, a smart girl, I've always known that."

"Thanks." she headed to the bathroom. " I'll have a bath."

"Okay, darling."

She closed the door and looked into the mirror. She looked tired, which didn't surprised her as she felt exhausted. Her long brown hair was frizzy, and her light skin looked even lighter than usually. She turned away from the mirror and opened the tap on the tub. After it filled up she sit in it. It was peacefull. She really needed this.

After 20 minutes she got out and put on her pijamas. She went to the kitchen to drink something.

"Aren't you hungry?" asked her grandma.

"No." She poured some milk. "How was your day?"

"It was fine." her grandma immadietely looked away from her.

"No it wasn't. I recognise when you're trying to keep something quiet. What happened?"

"Nothing serious. Your mom has sent you something. It's in the box."

"Interesting." she looked at the box. It looked heavy. "I'll go to sleep. Good night, Gran."

"Good night, darling."

She took the box with her. "I'll check it tomorrow." she thought. She got into her bed and closed her eyes. After a few minutes she fell asleep. Of course at that time, she didn't know that the box - even more what it contained- will change her whole life.

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