Part 7 ~ Truth will out

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Ivelle woke up early in the morning. She got used to the bad dreams and sleep by now. She got up and dressed. She looked in the mirror. Last evening she'd got a long white dress from Niran. It looked great on her: it highlighted her shape. "I should do something with my hair..." she looked around and noticed a comb. She was tired, so she just combed her hair and arranged it in curls. "That'll do it... What's next?" She looked around. The sun was rising. "I'm sure everyone is still asleep." She sat down, then stood up and paced up and down. She was terribly unsure about what to do. She stopped and with a sudden decision she went to the door, took a deep breath and opened it. The guards disappeared. She stepped out and started her way through the corridors, although she had no idea where she was going, or where she was. Everything was silent. A right turn, then a left... then right again... and now she's lost. "You are unbelievably stupid, Ivelle. " she scolded herself "Let's just wander around in an unknown palace, in a kingdom full of elves... Very smart I have to say... " She nearly lost hope when someone tuched her shoulders.

"Ivelle." said a familiar voice.

"Hagan! I am sooo happy to see you!" she sighted.

"I'm happy to hear that... but why? "

"Well... I'm lost... "

"You're lost? How come? " he laughed.

"Not funny! I'm new here, okay? "

"Okay, okay, you're right. What are you doing out of bed that early? "

"I couldn't sleep, so I thought, maybe I could discover the palace... " she looked at her shoes.

"Well, in this case, maybe I could show you around. "

"That would be great. " She smiled.

"Great, but breakfast first, I'm starving. "

"Typical man... " she joked.

"Excuse me? I'm not a typical man! I'm an elf. "

"My bad, prince Hagan. " she laughed and curtsied, which made Hagan laugh again.

"You're very bad at it, you know that, right? "

"Well, not everyone was raised in a palace... "

"Okay, that's right... anyway, breakfast, this way. " Ivelle followed him.

The dining room, was more like a canteen. Every elf who lived in the palace ate there. Since it was early in the morning there were only a few people. Having breakfast with Hagan was hilarious. He was funny and made fun of literally everything.

After the breakfast they went to the courtyard. They walked, talked and had a great time... Until they met Cirillo.

"Hagan, Ivelle."

"Brother, nice to see you. We haven't seen each other for... 2 months now." said Hagan with a smile and hugged his brother.

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